Attack day 1

Hi, Annie. Nice to meet you.

Unfortunately, you've posted your questions in the Recipe section so may not get much of a response as people might miss it. Best if you post them in the main forum instead.

One thing that I would stress is that it's extremely important to be well-prepared before you start on Dukan. Having a copy of the book is a great help and is highly recommended.

I'd strongly advise you to have a good read through at least the Attack and Cruise sections before you begin. If you don't prepare well and ensure that you have plenty of Dukan-friendly food in stock, then it's very difficult to stick to the diet and to get the best results.

For instance, certain meat and fish products aren't recommended (pork, lamb etc). Eggs are fine, as are certain fat-free/no-sugar dairy products like yoghurt (not fruit ones), fromage frais and Quark.

There are other vital components of the diet which you need to be aware of. For instance, you must have oatbran (not oatmeal) every single day - I think it's 1.5 tblsp during Attack, but then it increases when you move onto Cruise. You must also drink at least 1.5 litres of water every day and exercise (brisk walking is recommended in the book) for 20 mins each day, increasing to 20m mins in Cruise.

Have you been onto the official Dukan forum to work out your target weight and to find out for how many days you'll be doing Attack?
Hi all
Thanks for warm welcome
Read the book last wk, was just lookin for some suggestions as it's kinda strange to have yougert for dinner etc!!!
Had my oat bran mixed up in fat free vanilla yougert, it's suprisingly v nice.
Looking forward to seein tesults fingers crossed,
Didn't realise this was recipe bit , only new to site.
It's such a great support system I must say,
Must go do my walk,
Thanks all :)
Hi all
Thanks for warm welcome
Read the book last wk, was just lookin for some suggestions as it's kinda strange to have yougert for dinner etc!!!
Had my oat bran mixed up in fat free vanilla yougert, it's suprisingly v nice.
Looking forward to seein tesults fingers crossed,
Didn't realise this was recipe bit , only new to site.
It's such a great support system I must say,
Must go do my walk,
Thanks all :)

That's how I usually eat my oatbran. It does taste pretty good and have a nice texture when mixed with the yog.

Definitely check out the Recipe section. Without a bit of variety, it can become a bit bland and boring, and there are some fantastic, very tasty recipes in there.

Eggs are also your friend during Dukan. In fact, I've eaten so many of them that it's a wonder that I haven't turned into one! :eek:
I'm ending day one of the attack phase, and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to call tomorrow 'day one' instead, as I had a beer with my sister tonight. Is that an absolute no-no?
Also, can I substitute 100% wheat bran for oat bran? I c
I'm ending day one of the attack phase, and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to call tomorrow 'day one' instead, as I had a beer with my sister tonight. Is that an absolute no-no?
Also, can I substitute 100% wheat bran for oat bran? I c

Yes, beer is an absolute no-no

No, you can't substitute wheat bran for oat bran