You do realise that divster quoted your post so everyone can still see what you said .....just you wait, Starlight will be along shortly to tell you off! :copon::8855:
Oh yeah I know but also scary
Definitely lovely too
Surely scary is a good thing, I'd like it if people were scared of me Mwahhh haaaa haaaa!
Scary in a good respectful must do as I'm told way definitely not in a she's a bad person way!!
Starlight will be along later to mod me then, and tell me off, I should know better! I am going to leave it for her, love a good slap every now and then!
Starlight will be along later to mod me then, and tell me off, I should know better! I am going to leave it for her, love a good slap every now and then!
Starlight will be along later to mod me then, and tell me off, I should know better! I am going to leave it for her, love a good slap every now and then!
ahh what's with all the choco shake hate?! Lol, I think they're ok, not as nice as the others. The taste reminds me of ovaltine, it's more malty than chocolatey.