day 10 and poorly


Full Member
Hi all,

should still be on a high from yesterday weigh in, but..
woke up feeling crap this morning:confused: not got any better as day gone on. :cry:
Feel really lethargic, and sick. Have had my shakes, and drunk loads of water....thought you are supposed to feel better as time goes on!!

What am i doing wrong:(

Any advice guys?? x
its probably nothing to do with the diet hun, but as mini says, you may be coming down with something x x
Hi Mandy, I can totally empathise with you. I reached day 13 and I felt utterly miserable, exhausted and starved. It was Day 13 I had to eat some food which unfortunately lead to eating food for two days. I still lost weight on my day 14 weigh in, it was only 3 n a half pounds but my point is, if you really feel bad eat a lil and just start again. Thats what Ive done, Im back on track again today and although ive to go through ketosis again, I dont mind coz I felt like **** for the whole 13 days anyways. However, Im willing to go through it again because I realise my food addiction is not going to go overnight, I was in withdrawal and despite feeling like crap, i still managed to lose some weight and Im back on it again with renewed vigour and determination. They say that once you eat food it leads to a slippery slope but the day I had food I actually needed and had to have it. Everyone is different and Ive learned that this journey is going to have ups and downs but Im going to stick with it and keep striving to get this weight off. Hang in there girl, we're all finding it tough, you can do it. Believe in yourself and realise youre human, Im rooting for ya and all of us can do this together and get through the bad times too. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
By the way, I think some of us do actually feel sick while on this because we're in withdrawal from all the crappy foods. Mandy, I dont think you had a bug or anything, I think your body was crying out for food which is only natural. However, we can still continue on this by using lipo for as long as humanely possible and then eat a lil if we really really have to. Maybe others will crucify me for saying this but this diet is not bloody easy and if there are lil blips along the way, maybe that works for some people coz their bodies are literally starving and jus need a lil fix to keep going. I hope I dont eat my words but I had a blip when I felt so tired and ill I wanted to fall down, but Im still striving forwards and back on track again. No point being ill on this diet and if a lil food keeps you going at the end of tether times, well so be it. The lipotrim information sheet even allows for this because they realise its only natural to be human sometimes.
It seems more than a coincidences but a lot of our members on various vlcd's seem to suffer flu like symptoms around the first few weeks on this type of diet.

I am no expert but there is a line of thought that on a TFR like Lipotrim your body is detoxing and during the process if you tend to suffer from Candida that the flu like symptoms are caused by the Candida dieing off.

Further down the line during refeeding it gives you time to gauge how your body reacts with the reintroduction of certain foods.
thanks for that candyloss, think you are right:)

i did actually eat half a tub of low fat cottage cheese and within half an hour or so i felt much better. i dont think i ate enough to go out of ketosis, but tbh i felt so rubbish, that i didnt actually care:( back on track now, even confident going to a birthday party this afternoon, gonna fill up on water!!

what i have realised, is if i feel so crap, a couple of spoons of cottage cheese is not going to kill me and gives me a little energy boost which then keeps me on track. very sorry before everyone bangs on about not eating anything, but its working for me:)
thanks again candy xx
Hey Mandy, thats great news, delighted for ya. Ya, deffo, sometimes a bit of food helps. That said, I went over the top a bit on my food intake for two days but not going to sway me. By the way, I just saw you havent much to lose at all and something tells me youre going to hit goal. More power to you girl and a bit o cottage cheese is not going to do no harm from my point of view, that said I wouldnt do the dog like I did but think I learned from that now, jus a lil when Im feeling totally pooped but Ill try not to for next week anyways. Enjoy your day, have a ball and keep focused, not that you need it. Glad youre feeling better and in less than no time, youll be at your target. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS. X
Hi Mandy, I understand exactly how you are feeling. Its Like have a cloudy headache, you struggle to get out of bed, dizziness its as if you should remain in bed all day. But this comes and goes in the begining you have high days and low but it will get better. This is my second go at lipotrim having kept the majority of my weight off, i had put on a stone which if i'm honest new i was overindulging knowing that i was about to start lipo again. I started last Thursday, and tomorrow will be my weighin and from my scales, I have lost 13lbs. What i have learnt is that when you get to your desired weight and if the lbs try to come back, nip it in the bud early and not leave it until it gets out of control. Sorry about going of point but you will feel better and will totally forget you ever felt so bad. Keep up the good work, its worth it in the end.x