Morning ladies!
Well I fell off the wagon - but just for 1 meal I hasten to add! I was unsure about what to do Friday night and I just thought I'll relax and enjoy myself and worry about the weight gain afterwards

I had bar snack pretzels, bread with houmous, salted beef hash and steak and chips with a naughty sauce - no dessert though! I enjoyed every bite and, not that I'm recommending this to anyone, I haven't gained any weight according to my scales, in fact I'm showing a 1lb loss. The big difficulty for me was getting back on it on Saturday, I was starving all day. I did it though and stuck to it 100% since even when I made a hot pot in the slow cooker which smelled amazing and even when my friend gave me a box of cupcakes which looked fab.
I'm out on that spa day tomorrow and I'm determined to stick to plan as much as I can. I will be eating but I'm going to stick to protein and veg if at all possible.
On a positive note I've found somewhere that stocks the flavoured coffees I mentioned (which I've double checked with my CDC are ok to have) and they are just fab! I've bought caramel, hazlenut and amaretto and a spoon mixed in with a warm shake is amazing, it feels so naughty like a big mocha! I've also finally bought one of those active blenders which has made a huge difference. I've tried their new tomato and basil soup which is just revolting so I'll just be sticking to the shakes from now on.
I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm not going to have much of a loss now until Christmas, I've got something on every weekend, most or all of which will be very difficult to stick to plan with. I've decided I'm going to enjoy the nights out I have and stick to plan 100% outside of that. Yes I'm probably not going to be in ketosis, but I will be on a 450 calorie diet most days of the month and that has to be better than eating normally.
I don't want to give the impression I'm giving up as I'm not but I'm going to enjoy myself between now and Christmas and get the last bit of my weight off in the new year. My aim for the next month is (well hopefully big losses but I doubt it!) to STS and defo defo defo not put any weight back on.
Hope you all had a great weekend