Ooops, neglected this a bit! So anyway, it's day 73 now. Yesterday I weighed in and had lost just 3lb again. Bit frustrated as it has been just 3lb a week for the last 2 weeks! However I have sat down and spoken to myself tonight - if I only lose 3lb a week for the next 5 months I will still lose another 60lb before my holiday, which will see me with over 8st gone before my holiday, and I will be more than happy with that!!!
Have decided to bring my 810 week forward a couple of weeks, just to see if it gives my body a bit of a kick start to start burning more fat again so the weight starts coming off a bit faster again! If I have to do an 810 week every 4 or 5 weeks I would be more than happy with that if it means the weight keeps coming off!
Last night I made up some curried chick peas - basically chick peas, spinach, mushrooms, and a spring onion, plus cumin seeds, garam masala, paprika and some water. Beautiful. And more importantly I made enough to last 2 days, and I managed to stick to that and not just eat the whole lot in one go!!!! So had half last night, and half today for lunch. Was actually nicer reheated today as the chick peas had a chance to absorb all the flavours!!! Tomorrow I think I am going to do something with lentils. I love red lentils cooked in milk, with a tiny bit of garlic, mustard powder and pepper - yummy! Not sure what to serve it with though? Maybe just salad leaves. I have a new love of salad leaves, particularly rocket. 80g of rocket is too much to fill a large plate, which is a brilliant trick of the mind, whereas 80g of broccoli or mushrooms are visually rather disappointing!!!
I don't know how my body will react to 810, I just really really hope that I get a loss this week, even if it is just 1lb. More, obviously, would be preferable, but 1lb is better than nothing! After all, I should not be doing anything other than losing weight when I am still only consuming 810cals a day!!!