Hi ozzie. I'm so pleased you came out of it ok it must have been very frightenig to be in the centre of it 
Know what you mean about finances OH is clinging onto his job and I can't even get an interview, things are so bad.
Seems work on the west coast (south west WA) seems to have picked up. The rumour is (manager at monodelphus) they can't get hubbies trade so he may look to apply for a job there and see what happens.
Hope it happens for us I so want to be back out there
However, its day 7 and feeling a bit drained this morning for some reason I could not sleep last night. I had to get up at 4 so as not to wake OH managed to drift of about 5.40 am and feeling as rough as a badger's now.
I could just go back to bed now, but I want to try and go job hunting today so fed up of not having a job now it seems I am unemployable
despite lots of experience in community care, customer service etc.
I wonder if its because I have spent the last 7 years at home looking after the boys.
At least I get to spend my time losing weight I suppose.
I am just so bored and want to get out and about meeting new people.
Enough moaning and feeling sorry for myself I have a soup to make and some cleaning to do.
Have a good week people
Know what you mean about finances OH is clinging onto his job and I can't even get an interview, things are so bad.
Seems work on the west coast (south west WA) seems to have picked up. The rumour is (manager at monodelphus) they can't get hubbies trade so he may look to apply for a job there and see what happens.
Hope it happens for us I so want to be back out there
However, its day 7 and feeling a bit drained this morning for some reason I could not sleep last night. I had to get up at 4 so as not to wake OH managed to drift of about 5.40 am and feeling as rough as a badger's now.
I could just go back to bed now, but I want to try and go job hunting today so fed up of not having a job now it seems I am unemployable
I wonder if its because I have spent the last 7 years at home looking after the boys.
At least I get to spend my time losing weight I suppose.
I am just so bored and want to get out and about meeting new people.
Enough moaning and feeling sorry for myself I have a soup to make and some cleaning to do.
Have a good week people