Step 1 Sole Source + Day 3 and giving up


New Member
Hi all, I'm on day 3 and thinking of giving up.
im hungry all the time, moody, and constantly think about food.
Not sure all this is worth being unhappy for.
I'm fed up and thinking of doing Weight Watchers instead
Sorry for the moan
Hi Emma,

Dont apologise. This diet is not an easy one and it affects us all in this way at some point. I would say perhaps try and stick at it for a few more days as it does get better. There comes a point, usually around day 4-5 I think, that you get more energy and the hunger subsides. The headaches go and mood improves. I found day 2 quite hard, I am now on day 6 and coping well. I don't feel hungry and look forward to my shakes. Something that on day 2 I would never have thought possible!
However this diet isn't for everyone and if you feel WW would work better for you than that's a choice you need to make. The ultimate goal is to lose weight so as long as you are happy that's the main thing. I wish you luck on your weight loss journey whatever you decide x
Thank you for your kind words, I feel a bit better now. Going to try and persevere until Friday and see what happens.
i only wanted to loose a stone so was hoping this would give me the kick start I needed, so hoping it will
Stick with it, it does get better once you are in ketosis. I know you have cheated, but just get straight back on, it won't have done that much damage and you are still so much nearer to ketosis than you were 3 days ago. Honestly, it gets so much better.