Day 4


Ok as the title says I am on day 4 and not finding it too bad so why did I feel the heed to eat a teaspoon of mash??? Will this cause a problem, feel terrible for it but it was only a taste!

Hi Whirly. I don't think one teaspoon is going to make any difference. I found it really hard on my first week not to lick my fingers or nibble the leftovers when I was preparing food. But its all just habits and aslong as your aware of them and stop yourself you find you don't even bother after a while. Well done for getting to day 4. not long until first weigh in now. The weekends can be tough but just be ready for it. Keep yourself busy and if all else fails just get yourself into bed as soon as you can! It does get so much easierif you can just stick it out 100%. Best wishes.