Day one in the LT house!

I'm such a dingbat! Tricked myself into believing that I was on day 12/13 when actually I'm on day 11....argggghhhh wish it was 3 months from now and I was skinny me already lol!

My chauffeur (OH) is taking me tomorrow at around 10am for my lovely weigh in....don't think it's a big number as I had a big one last week and I've been having a nosey on my own scales and its been rubbish and varied 1-3lbs max....I want more!

What time are you going tomorrow Kath?

furry keto mouth is the rankest and I can't afford all this toothpaste and mouthwash at this rate lol xx
I actually cannot wait to weigh in on Monday will be just short of a week but I weighed myself on my scales and I've already Lost 6lb n I'm only on day 3 I want to loose 4.5 st b4 venturing to glastonbury in June then prob try n come back on plus excessive to loose the last st first morning at work didn't eat a thing and it was quiet so feeling quite proud working tonight should be fine fri nights are far too busy to even think about putting anything in my mouth xxxx how's everyone else doin today
So sad how we're wishing our lives away haha! That weigh in tomorrow can't come quick enough that I may wake my OH up super early so we can e at the door when the chemist opens to find out if the insanity has been worth it haha!

well done on the huge loss so far....:)

just read another post of yours about even the dog turning away from your bad breath...made me laugh so much! Sooooo jealous you can keep busy with Friday nights....I think they are the hardest part of the week for me personally as we'd normally go out for dinner or get a takeaway and struggle to distract!

you should be able to achieve a good loss if you stick to this diet by Glastonbury as women average a stone per month but from what I've seen on here loads of peeps have lost more than that....I've dedicated this year overall to get my weight under control as I am pretty much taking this day by day as the thought of spending more than a month never mind 3 more on this terrifies its a little game i play with myself to motivate me haha!
Lol I don't blame u 10 weeks is my aim but it also seems so far away although getting anew puppy next week so should keep me busy n time will fly I'm sure the sun is the hardest thing as it makes me want to have a drink lol
OMG I've been secretly praying the weather would stay pants so I could continue to hibernate and avoid the temptations of wanting alcohol in the sun...what's wrong with me? Haha!

I would love to be strong enough to last 100% until I got to goal weight....but I've already fallen the wagon once since I started last month thanks to my birthday haha! This is a tough slog...but I think I am learning about when I'm hungry for real or just being plain greedy!:)
Well ladies and gents I've been out all day with the mother hen- only just having my first shake- I have to get another 2 down :-( I have newsage- I'm going to see my bf a day early so went for weigh- in early to get my sachets for next week as I bought the sachets 6 weeks ago and they weighed me I was. 14st 13lb went today (day 5) and I'm 14st 3lbs!!!! I'm not sure where I started off with but either way its all good right???!

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Bloody well done Kath! However it happened its off and that's the way it's gonna keep going yay!:D

Ketosis seems well underway with you going all day without your shake missy.....just had my second one and hankering for a banana! WTH is that about??

The torture of how to amuse myself over the weekend has arrived from tonight, still baffled as to how i can possibly go without the wonder that is food and some tipple on a Friday night without committing murder.....gonna be a long night tonight....:sigh:
Oh i tell you-1 young girls were having wraps and chips with mayo- I lovvvee mayo and could have stabbed her in the eye with a fork! Ooh there the violent signs is out again!

I'm driving up to Wales tonight as dear boy lives there so I'm guessing to get the other 2 shakes in ill have one before and after I get there.

I'm definitely thinking I might struggle this weekend but you know we have to go through this torture but its only for a few months! Xx

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OMG Wraps and mayo...nom nom! How did you not give in to eating or stabbing her with a fork?

Knowig ive only got one more shake tonight is doing my head in a bit...there should deffo be a 4th shake on this regime!

awww bet you're excited to see the boy with your keto!:cool: Hope he's eaten before you get there? Or else I may be hearing about a murder in Wales on the news in the morning haha!

Ive been very grouchy today but I think some of it is boredom through not eating....I daren't go out socially as I don't think I can cope just yet and the crutches haven't been pimped out either...shame!
Wow well done on your loss kath that's amazing I hope mine is as good I am there tomorrow at 11 can't wait, struggling tonight really fancy something nice to eat/drink but will hang on in there and hope it is worth it tomorrow xxxx

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I'm losing my mind with not doing anything food or drink related argggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!

its quite a miserable life without food isn't it? Everything revolves around it! Birthdays.. go out for a meal, anniversaries... go out for a meal, sunny day... get the bbq out! Maybe everythings doesn't revolve around food and its just me? and thats why I'm in this bloody mess! haha!
In beginning to realise its a question of strength this stupid ' way of life'!!! I'm not entirely sure how I didn't cave in- I keep thinking Oooh I could just have that blah blah but then I think of the first few days and knowing ill have to go through that again kinda puts me off ( for now!)

Thank you Carla let me know how you get on tomorrow I'm rooting for you :)

Well the boy is playing golf all day tomorrow so you'll be seeing me in here!

I've packed my bag:
Mint strip things
Extra toothpaste
3 pairs is knickers!
Oh and my make up
And not forgetting my gorgeous shakes!!! Xx

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Have realised that the majority of my time not sleeping or actually doing work seems to revolve around food! Finding it extremely hard to be sociable without it.....I sound a drug addict lol!

weekends are driving me sooooooo bonkers I could scream!!!! Keep telling myself only one more sleep till weigh in tomorrow and it'll be worth it....:sigh:

Your overnight bag sounds like your in for night of fun fun fun Kath LMAO!

just had a soak in the bath filled with Epsom salts and coconut oil, partly to quell the boredom factor and to help with being able to do foot exercises for my bad ankle and have come out feeling a bit more mellow and having lovely soft baby now what to do for the rest of the night that doesn't involve food or alcohol I wonder...hmmmm!
Weekends are always going to be hard I don't know what I'm talking about this I my first one! I think I may start a weekend course if there is one! Oooh should we write a book?! The lipo journey by the lipotrimmers! I think I'm going bonkers!

My weekend sounds like a hoot doesn't it?! On my own while he messed with his balls( ooh smuttiness has begun!)

Come on Maureen twit twoo! Don't be down! Few more hours until weigh in :) bed time taken out! Xx

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Yes let's write a book about the joys TFR diets and how you lose your mind along the way hahahaa! Doing the course sounds like a great idea....I'm too lazy to do work outside of work hours though hahahaa!

Think you'll still have more fun than me though luv :D

My OH is taking me for my weigh in, then a quick dash round Waitrose & the butchers before he drops me off for him to go watch crappy Leeds United play whoever and invariably lose.....the first time I tried this diet and we went into a supermarket, I had to leave as it was all too much for me with all the deli and hot food counters and he went back later and still bought all the wrong stuff lol.....tomorrow will be a test of wills to see if I have come any further.....I am soooooo rock n roll! Hahaha!

just been discussing what exercises I can do from the sofa/dining chair/bed to help combat flabby skin whilst on my crutches and help kill the boredom.....lots of arm and abs stuff it seems! Don't really wanna end up with arms like Fatima Whitbread though...hehe!
But when you're thinking about food outside of working hours think about a synopsis of what TFR is like!

If it helps at the deli counter- ooh the smell of the bread ( mouth salivating here!) just think about that body squad prog you was watching the other night and remember your reason for doin this bad boy! I have every faith in you to not cave in and just a thing- how posh are you shopping in waitrose?! Xx

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Oh there's a DVD on amazon about exercises you can do if you're bed bound or stuck in the house- my mums disabled so I bought it her - quite handy! Xx

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Ooh quick what's it called???
