Awww flower, you are just that - a flower. Not had a good day today to be honest.
I promised I wasn't going to moan and I have tried to be so positive ... BUT ... day 4 has SUCKED !!! SUCKED big time! I have literally thought about food from the minute I opened my eyes until .. well now, where obviously I am still thinking about food because I am posting in here (fingers on KEYBOARD not on FRIDGE!!).
I am not going to say I am hungry - because the physical feeling isn't really there, but I am psychologically hungry to the point where I could cry, I feel SO DEPRIVED ... can anyone else understand that? I feel as if I have always missed out on things because of my weight - new clothes, hot boys (no that's a lie about hot boys .. I have my Matt
, events, feeling "included" and now I am feeling deprived because my CRUTCH has gone. It's all a bit FAT mess really! Had to pop into the supermarket on the way home for some spring onions and balsamic vinegar (yep, doing SS+ now) and I was shaking when I got into the car. Physically shaking after being faced by danish pastries, crisps and rib-eye steaks. I know it sounds really pathetic and you are probably laughing and me - but I really do love food. It is my passionate, number 1 love in life, I love everything about it ... and pretty much am known for being a fecking awesome superstar in the kitchen department (legendary cakes, obviously from much practice and TASTE testing) and I even wrote food blogs (have put them on hold for the time being ..).
To get to the crux ... the shakes, soups (and lets not even go there with the porridge) taste like absolutely Sh ** , I cant stand any of them and I have a passionate burning hatred for anything with a Cambridge label on it right now. I am thinking this isn't for me - I take too much emphasis on taste, if I didnt care about food - or could take it or leave it I might be okay, but even in my big eating days (past tense ..) I had really awesome stuff ... I didnt binge on rubbish, it would be handmade from scratch gourmet loveliness. We even made our own kettlechips *sob*
Phew, if you are still with me .... gripe number 2 ... someone in the staff kitchen caught me making up my soup at lunchtime, cue sharp intake of breath and .."you'll NEVER do that, you like your food too much .. and then a monologue about people having heart attacks and Armageddon (okay, I lie about Armageddon but you get the idea). This person is someone I feel is a very good friend and someone who I thought would understand. For the rest of the day I have had sidewards glances and "it's not safe you know" mutterings. Gutted someone has found out - and what pee's me off more is the reason I didn't want people to know is that EXACT reaction!!
AGGGHRRRR BLAH BLAH BLAH ... woah, my shoulders feel a little lighter now, don't worry, ill be here ranting on this time next week, I'm not giving up .. no chance .. even if the products taste like flour water (deary me, experienced the leek and potato soup at lunch time - another one on the "no" pile) I am going to look at it as 3 heaved over .. and then a 200 calorie "gourmet" meal .. tonight it's a mushroom omlette, green leaves and a splash of balsamic .. oh the pleasure ... (!!!!)
Ta-tar for now .. and sorry for the rant !!! RW x