Day one of getting life back

That's fine more than welcome Lisa xx I found the pain surprisingly minimal it's more an ache like someone is sitting on you I would say the pain was never above a 6 out of 10 and by day three I think I stopped with pain killers !! In all honesty my wisdom teeth are more painful,
The scars are a little tender but again nothing to write home about its all like you have been to the gym and done a really hard workout I am attaching a picture of how they are settling down the are a lot softer and have dropped down out of my armpit now lol (sorry of the pic is much let me know if it's not appropriate)


Going to meet oh at finish line first time I have worn proper clothes since Monday hope he likes xx


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weeet-wooo! You are looking fabby! & the boobs are def settling in to a more natural position ;) haha x
Thanks felt amazing today xxx my brother said I looked lovely (which brothers never do lol )
My lovely oh and two brothers completed the London tonsouthend in 4.5hrs so totally proud of them and gutted I missed it
Food diary

Two brown toast with 2slices of ham


Went to Las iguanas had butternut squash and feta enchilada with rice

Then had an espresso made with condensed milk xx

Just bought this is the sale,!i am so happy today my work after being total bas***arsd for he last 7months have decided they owe me back pay for all the extra work I have been dojng !!! Yippee I am not going to go to mad till it is actually on the back but fingers crossed
Wow you look fab

i saw a bather like that today and wished i could wear something like that! Ha maybe next year lol

sarah xx
Thanks I just think they are the last step from bikinis they just cover your tum a little bit which is nice
Good hasn't been great last couple of days jury service is a bit stressful and lots of waiting around, not terrible but I have to be careful as I can't excercise, I am back up to 10st 2lb not to worried x
Yeah no point in fretting about it - you are recovering from an operation remember! & jury service does sound stressful, my mum was up for it not too long ago. You'll get back into the swing of things as your body re-adjusts and outside factors calm down a little (i.e. when jury service is over!)

Hope your check up went well :) x
I think im about the only one that would love to do jury service!! I have a law degree so for me it would be interesting but for other is soo boring. I dont actually believe juries are a good thing though as some matters are complicated and contain a lot of complex info which is hard for people to process, wirhout sounding condisending!! Lol

sorry for the essay lol.

How are your cuts healing? Have you tried the lavender oil!

Sarah xx
I agree jury service is really important I did it 7 years ago and was so shocked at how prejudice some of the people were I think there should be some kind of check before you are allowed on to a jury, some old lady said the man must be guilty as he had a skin head unbelievable !!!

As for lavender oil I haven't heard of that does that help then ?? The check up all went fine still no driving or heavy housework but pleased with my progress still got to wear the awful bra day and. Night for 6 more weeks
Meals all went to plan but have been naughty ish with snacks

Two packs of go ahead biscuits 300 cals

2 bowls of strawberries blueberries and raspberries with spoon of golden syrup and two handfuls of popcorn

Not terrible but not great considering I can't do any excercise
How long have you gotta wait to do exercise now?

Sarah xx