Padlocking the cookie jar
Well done on resisting temptation!
Hope you have a good weekend,
Hope you have a good weekend,
Great job not completely going off plan. Iv tried so hard to eat then get back to it the next day and it's rally hard
I think it helped that I saw it as a positive thing and not that I'd 'cheated'. I'm not very good with that word cos it reinforces that feeling of failure and I've had enough of that! 100% day yesterday, if you ignore the milk in my tea and coffee, which I do
I'm going to end up with a stockpile of chocolate shakes, they just make me retch, even the smell. I tried adding just a teaspoon full to a large cup of coffee but it was yuk:jelous: Once I've got a decent number I'll post them on to someone whe actually likes them
Weigh in tomorrow so that's exciting!
The chocolate shakes are the only ones I can actually drink without retching!!! I have to drink the other ones down in one go so next time im just going to buy all chocolate shakes. Strange thing is, Im not really a chocolate person. And if I had a milkshake from mcdonalds, chocolate would be the last one I would choose. Its a strange world isnt it!..x