Agreed! For me it's a tin of tuna in freshwater, that's what I eat on the nights that I just HAVE to have something. Life saver.
For me I found it completely impossible until I got serious and cleared out my cupboards. I got rid of ALL the food in my cupboards and fridge, and now all that's in the cupboard is tins of tuna in freshwater, and all that's in the fridge is water and ready-made milkshake cartons. It's pretty hilarious to see, I've found it really helpful though.
If you're struggling with hunger I recommend you try two things!
a) try making up your sachets with 400-500mls of water, if there are any flavours that you can enjoy at half strength, that's TWICE AS MUCH FOR YOU!
Helps fill you up.
b) I think hot drinks help me feel more full than cold ones, feel free to try your milkshakes hot! Honestly, the chocolate mint and vanilla are both delicious hot (even better than they are cold, I would argue) so worth a try
Stick at it, you know that it will be worth it, just take it one day at a time. If you do cheat, or fall off the bandwagon, forgive yourself, you are human, but MOVE ON, put it behind you, don't do it again, and don't think "Oh well, I've cheated now, I'll just have the night off and start again tomorrow." You know you'll only kick yourself <3
Source: all the mistakes that I have made over and over