de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Welcome back MinnieMel. Glad you had a nice trip and are all on top of it.
Sadly I got very little done. So much mess was getting trodden in and out of the house that it was barely worth it. So a couple of jobs today, but as I'm generally on top of things, it should take only an hour or so.

Just jump in! The key is to just hit the hot spots then keep going...
Argh what happened to me?! I was like FlyLady's clone a few months ago & my house gleamed. Now I'm pregnant for the third time with two lil' uns at home & am struggling.

To do....
the whole house needs gutted & cleaned to be honest.
the attic needs sorted as too full to fit other things in.
there are piles of laundry to be put away & piles to wash.

Why am I sat here not doing it you ask? I'm just too blooming tired.

I really want to get the house sparkling again as it's just gonna get harder. I'm now 5 months pregnant & will be laid up after surgery :(

Right, I set myself the task of cleaning the hearth & powder room before dinner today!
Argh what happened to me?! I was like FlyLady's clone a few months ago & my house gleamed. Now I'm pregnant for the third time with two lil' uns at home & am struggling.

To do....
the whole house needs gutted & cleaned to be honest.
the attic needs sorted as too full to fit other things in.
there are piles of laundry to be put away & piles to wash.

Why am I sat here not doing it you ask? I'm just too blooming tired.

I really want to get the house sparkling again as it's just gonna get harder. I'm now 5 months pregnant & will be laid up after surgery :(

Right, I set myself the task of cleaning the hearth & powder room before dinner today!

Do what you can...and don't stress.
Do what you can...and don't stress.

I was on a roll!

Powder room & bathroom cleaned; living room dusted & swept; kitchen was clean before dinner but is bad again (sigh); BBQ prepped & dished out but OH apparently gets the credit for his 20mins of cooking! One load of laundry washed & in dryer, another in washer. Dishwasher emptied, reloaded.
Kids bathed & ready for tomorrow, plus I'm showered, legs shaved etc.

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I was on a roll!

Powder room & bathroom cleaned; living room dusted & swept; kitchen was clean before dinner but is bad again (sigh); BBQ prepped & dished out but OH apparently gets the credit for his 20mins of cooking! One load of laundry washed & in dryer, another in washer. Dishwasher emptied, reloaded.
Kids bathed & ready for tomorrow, plus I'm showered, legs shaved etc.

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

Very impressed! I got a "Control Journal" from the FlyLady in the mail. I want to create my own version, but I'll se this one up in a binder with dividers for my friend CFF ax a moving gift. It'll help her settle in -- in her new home in Germany. I'll add in a list numbers for physicians, etc. (it's important to find ones with whom Americans are comfortable).
Monday June 3, 2013

Monday Daily Tasks: Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour
This week we are in Zone 2: The Kitchen
This month's Habit is: Drinking Water

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)

* -Check Your Calendar

* -Check Your Control Journal

* What's For Dinner?

* Drink Your Water

* Declutter for 15 Minutes

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)

* Before Bed Routine:
* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
* -Check Your Calendar
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
* -Where are your Keys?
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
* -Shine Your Sink
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour

Zone 2: Mission #1

We are in the Kitchen this week and we are going to work our way through from top to bottom!!

Your mission for today is to look UP! Today we are going to look up, set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or duster and get those dusties and cobwebs that are hanging on the upper walls that are taller than you, the corners of the ceilings and the ceiling. If you are feeling adventurous ask someone in the house to help you and take a damp rag to the light fixture and/or ceiling fan. Please be careful!! Check out the top of your refrigerator as well. I am always so floored at how much dust accumulates on top of the fridge!! Don't get obsessed and take your light fixture apart or repaint the ceiling! Babysteps!!!!
UPDATING: Monday June 3, 2013

Monday Daily Tasks: Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour. NOT DONE
This week we are in Zone 2: The Kitchen NOT DONE
This month's Habit is: Drinking Water DONE

* Morning Routine: DONE

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed X
* -Swish & Swipe X
* -Empty Dishwasher X
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) XXX

* -Check Your Calendar X

* -Check Your Control Journal STARTED ON THIS

* What's For Dinner? LET DH SORT

* Drink Your Water XXX

* Declutter for 15 Minutes X (EMPTIED SUITCASES)

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) NOT DONE

* Before Bed Routine:
* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow X
* -Check Your Calendar X
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad X
* -Where are your Keys? X
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot X
* -Shine Your Sink X
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth X
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour X

Zone 2: Mission #1. NOT DONE -- BUMPED TO TUESDAY

We are in the Kitchen this week and we are going to work our way through from top to bottom!!

Your mission for today is to look UP! Today we are going to look up, set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or duster and get those dusties and cobwebs that are hanging on the upper walls that are taller than you, the corners of the ceilings and the ceiling. If you are feeling adventurous ask someone in the house to help you and take a damp rag to the light fixture and/or ceiling fan. Please be careful!! Check out the top of your refrigerator as well. I am always so floored at how much dust accumulates on top of the fridge!! Don't get obsessed and take your light fixture apart or repaint the ceiling! Babysteps!!!!
It's Tuesday -- I am copying the whole week and challenging myself to try a get through a lot of this, along with my daily chores.

Week of June 03 - June 08, 2013. This Week we are in: Zone 2 - The Kitchen

This month's Habit - Drinking Your Water

Zone 2: Mission #1 Monday

We are in the Kitchen this week and we are going to work our way through from top to bottom!!

Your mission for today is to look UP! Today we are going to look up, set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or duster and get those dusties and cobwebs that are hanging on the upper walls that are taller than you, the corners of the ceilings and the ceiling. If you are feeling adventurous ask someone in the house to help you and take a damp rag to the light fixture and/or ceiling fan. Please be careful!! Check out the top of your refrigerator as well. I am always so floored at how much dust accumulates on top of the fridge!! Don't get obsessed and take your light fixture apart or repaint the ceiling! Babysteps!!!!
Zone 2: Mission # 2 Tuesday

Back to the kitchen we go! Your mission for today is to wipe down the doors of your cabinets. Use a damp rag and wipe down the fronts and the edges of your cabinets. This is really a simple thing to do but we have a tendency to ignore the cabinets because there is always so much more going on in the kitchen. Finger prints and grease attach themselves to the cabinets and make them a little sticky. A good wipe down will make such a difference. Remember we are taking babysteps!!! Small little missions that add up to a shiny kitchen.
Zone 2: Mission #3 Wednesday

It is Anti-Procrastination day we are diving into the refrigerator! Grab your trash can and take it over to the refrigerator and throw open the door. First toss out any leftovers that have gotten pushed to the back and have now started to turn into a science project. Second, check the fruit/vegetable drawers and toss what no longer is appealing to eat. Third, check the meat and cheese drawer, check the expiration dates on your items in there and toss what needs to go. Fourth, check out the doors of the fridge, toss the empty condiment jars and bottles that always seem to magically go back into the fridge when empty, but when full get left on the counter. Recycle what you can!

Last, grab a damp rag and wipe down the shelves. Do not take every single thing out of your refrigerator and then take the shelves out to clean them. Just wipe them down. How many times have we decided to tear the fridge apart and three hours later we would rather move out than ever do it again.

Don't let yourself get sidetracked!! Enjoy your sparkling refrigerator!
Zone 2: Mission #4 Thursday

It has come to the time to go after those counter tops!! Your mission for today is to scrub those counter tops. Not just the average wipe down that we do after dinner. Now it is very easy to make this task overwhelming but if you take this slow and easy you can do this! DO NOT TAKE EVERYTHING OFF OF THE COUNTERS AT ONE TIME!!!! I promise you will get sidetracked. You just move your toaster (or coffee pot or whatever this is an example here! :>) ) over to one side and wipe down the counter, then move over a foot or so, move aside what is there and wipe down some more and so on. We are not marathon cleaning the kitchen here, just getting all the crumbs and junk that seems to build up behind and under things.

Don't obsess! Enjoy!
Zone 2: Mission # 5 Friday

Today is our last day in the Kitchen!! For today I want you to grab your broom and your mop. Sweep your kitchen floor really well and then mop. There are several ways to mop a kitchen floor and no real wrong way. Hot soapy water and wipe. There is no "perfect" mop and no "perfect" way to do it. Just Do It!

Don't obsess and get caught up in perfection! It won't matter if you don't mop the way your Mother did as long as you do it. Remember House work done incorrectly still blesses your family!

Also added to this list:

Monday Daily Task: Weekly Home Sorting Hour

On Mondays, The Weekly Home Blessing hour is the time you tidy your home. No detailed cleaning required; vacuum the middle of the floors only! The time on this can depend on the size of your home, could take less than an hour or more than an hour but on average about an hour. Set your timers and have fun - you are blessing your home and family!

Set your timer for 10 minutes to work on each of 7 ways to tidy your home:

Quick Mop
Polish Mirrors and Doors
Purge magazines/catalogs
Change Sheets
Empty all trash cans

This takes approximately one hour; some tasks take less than 10 minutes.

Daily Focus Tuesday: Planning

On Tuesdays, We take some time out to Plan our week. Planning means taking time to look at next week and see what we can do to make things easier for us during the next week. Here are some things we can do to plan:

Menu planning
Activities planning
Date Night and Family Fun Time planning
Wardrobe planning
Checking prescriptions to see what needs to be refilled.
And anything else you might need to plan. There are tons of things we can do to save ourselves time later!

We also get to have lots of fun on Tuesdays. This is where the play part comes from. When our planning is finished, we get to go play! Spend the rest of the day doing something fun just for you. See that movie you've been wanting to see, take a long bath with a good book, or get out and have some fun at the gym. Whatever makes you happy! This is all about you.

"See what you can do this week to make next week easier!"
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I am in my room putting clothes away (& the kids rooms). It has taken nearly 3 hours already & there's more to do.

Lunch break though.

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Sings to High School Musical.....I'm soaring, flying..... :)

House is looking good tonight. Another big basket of clothes to put away, two loads in machines & two to do - then its time to strip all the beds for more to wash,lol. There isn't a dish sitting out. I've left dinner out for tomorrow. Kitchen & living room tidy for mil coming. I just want to steam mop floor & clean main bath tomorrow. If I get a chance this weekend I want to wash down my kitchen counters, under appliances etc.

Motivation has found me today so let's hope it stays cause I love a clean house :)

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Sings to High School Musical.....I'm soaring, flying..... :)

House is looking good tonight. Another big basket of clothes to put away, two loads in machines & two to do - then its time to strip all the beds for more to wash,lol. There isn't a dish sitting out. I've left dinner out for tomorrow. Kitchen & living room tidy for mil coming. I just want to steam mop floor & clean main bath tomorrow. If I get a chance this weekend I want to wash down my kitchen counters, under appliances etc.

Motivation has found me today so let's hope it stays cause I love a clean house :)

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

Well done!
Wednesday and Thursday -- haven't done the week or last's, but I've managed my daily chores.

Daily Focus Tuesday: Planning (Worked some on vacation planning)
Daily Focus Anti-Procrastination (Hemmed DH's trousers -- 4 pairs)
Daily Focus Errands (Bank and an anti-procrastination bank account opened, post office check, grad cards bought -- one delivered, some shopping)

Working on laundry -- fixed dinner -- but lots to do. Always.
I was up this morning, laundry, dishwasher etc all going. I steamed the kitchen floor. We had a BBQ lunch & then I to the kids out. Thankfully washer was empty so I was able to put wet towels & swim suits in when I got back.

House still looks good. Some more clean laundry to put away but tonight I need to make jewellery as its sil's birthday on Sunday & I've not made her pressie yet!

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)
I was up this morning, laundry, dishwasher etc all going. I steamed the kitchen floor. We had a BBQ lunch & then I to the kids out. Thankfully washer was empty so I was able to put wet towels & swim suits in when I got back.

House still looks good. Some more clean laundry to put away but tonight I need to make jewellery as its sil's birthday on Sunday & I've not made her pressie yet!

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

Very impressed! You're back to flying!
Garden watered (new grass laid); my bed stripped; dishwasher on, laundry on & now about to go in the dryer; kitchen counter tops all washed (everything taking off); hob washed; one child fed (the other isn't hungry yet); living room tidied up....after changing laundry I'll need to get me & the kids ready then head to dance class.
Happy Sunday MB.
Looks like we're the last two left on here,lol.

I got quite a bit done yesterday. This morning I've stripped the kids beds & have them in the washing machine already. The kids wanted Peppa Pig Muddy pancakes which I stood & made for them to decide they weren't nice (well I did say they looked a bit strange but the kids wanted them).

My daughter has a superhero party today so I shall be spending the morning showering the kids & getting her ready in her BatGirl costume.

I need to complete some orders tonight. Apart from that I think things are under control. I've even planned dinner :)
Monday June 10, 2013

Monday Daily Tasks: Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour
[h=2]Weekly Home Blessing Hour[/h]
On Mondays, The Weekly Home Blessing hour is the time FlyLady spends blessing her home. No detailed cleaning required; vacuum the middle of the floors only! The time on this can depend on the size of your home, could take less than an hour or more than an hour but on average about an hour.
Set your
timer for 10 minutes to work on each of 7 ways to bless your home:

  • Vacuum X
  • Dust
  • Quick Mop (steam mop/swifter go over) X
  • Polish Mirrors and Doors X (in loo and some other glass)
  • Purge magazines/catalogs
  • Change Sheets (tomorrow)
  • Empty all trash cans X
This takes approximately one hour; some tasks take less than 10 minutes. “Don’t obsess, set your timer for 10 minutes for each task, then QUIT!” ~ Kelly

This month's Habit is: Drinking Water X

Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room

* Morning Routine:
* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)

* -Check Your Calendar
* -Check Your Control Journal
* What's For Dinner?
* Drink Your Water
* Declutter for 15 Minutes
* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)
* Before Bed Routine:
* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
* -Check Your Calendar
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
* -Where are your Keys?
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
* -Shine Your Sink
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour

Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday

This week we are in Zone 3. This is the main bathroom and another room of your choice. For those of you with children we are going to have a mission for you or for you to give to the kids depending on their age.

Your mission for today in the bathroom is to wipe down around the base and the back of the toilet. This is an area that we all seem to forget about until it seems too far gone to do anything about it! Grab a rag and some general purpose cleaner and wipe down the toilet from the bowl downward, the floor around the base and behind base. This is a quick and easy mission to do! (Cleaned 1/2 both completely except window glass -- that was done last week)

For the kids room: Go into the room with a small trash bag, empty the trash can in the room and get rid of anything that needs to be thrown away. Old school papers that don't need saving, candy or gum wrappers, broken pens or pencils, things that are small and taking up precious space that is truly trash. Don't make this too hard! Just the obvious things that need to be thrown away, don't throw open the drawers and closets. Just the obvious trash. This is also a great opportunity to teach your children to use the recycle bins for any paper trash. (Son's room, will do daughter's tomorrow)

Extra Room (worked in craft room)

No kids? Do the same mission in any room of your choice!
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Well today I did the usual washing, dishwasher, making the beds, taking out the trash etc. I also cleaned out my purse & handbag.