Zone 2 -- updating! Edited for additional update.
Zone 2: Mission #1 DONE -- and pulled out, vacuumed behind and cleaned sides.
Take 15 minutes and scrub your stove top! Soak the knobs and drip pans in hot soapy water while you clean the stove top. Some elbow grease and hot soapy water will take care of a lot! Don't become a perfectionist and try to get it as clean as the day it was new. Just do the best you can and then scrub the drip pans and knobs. Don't scrub the knobs so hard that the numbers and words scrub off!
Anything that you do will be better than what it was!
Zone 2: Mission # 5 DONE -- plus tops of all cabinets, fronts of top cabinets, several drawers cleaned, all pottery on top of cabinets and exposed shelves washed. I scrubbed out the recycling bin, too. Cleaned glass doors on cabinets and French Doors.
Your mission today is to clean off the top of your refrigerator. If you happen to be short this is something that you probably have to be reminded to do. Take 10 minutes and toss whatever old stuff you have hidden up there and then wipe down the top of the fridge and get all of the dust and grime off that seems to build up when you are not looking!
One member emailed the last time we did this mission and told us a really neat idea. She places plastic wrap (like Saran Wrap) on top of the fridge. No one can see it, but when it gets dusty and dirty she just grabs the wrap and tosses it and places more down. I just love these clever tricks!
Zone 2: Mission #2 TODAY DONE -- including rescaling kettle, wiping down everything on counters and cleaning air fryer.
Your mission for today: Scrub down your countertops. I don't mean to just wipe a rag across them! I mean you get some hot soapy water and you wipe down the counters from front to back and side to side. Yes, you have to move the stuff on the counters to do this. DON'T take everything off at one time and then plan to put it all back again. You just move your toaster (or coffee pot or whatever this is an example here!) over to one side and wipe down the counter, then move over a foot or so, move aside what is there and wipe down some more and so on. We are not marathon cleaning the kitchen here, just getting all the crumbs and junk that seems to build up behind and under things.
Zone 2: Mission # 3. TODAY. DONE --
Today your mission is to clean out under your sink! All the almost empty containers, the old nasty sponges, the grocery bags, the cleaners that you don't use, the empty jars, the clutter that just seems to pile up under the sink! You all know exactly what I am talking about!
Grab a trash bag and start flinging!
Zone 2: Mission #4 TODAY DONE -
For today I want you to grab your broom and your mop. Sweep your kitchen floor really well and then mop. There are several ways to mop a kitchen floor and no real wrong way. Hot soapy water and wipe. There is no "perfect" mop and no "perfect" way to do it. Just Do It!
PLUS -- I will clean the pool table light over the sink. Clean the window sill and big window. Wipe down the table and chairs. Take out all rubbish. DONE
Wipe down bottom cabinets. Basic wipe out inside of fridge. (NOT DONE)