de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Look forward to seeing a similar post next week on Thursday! What a good start to the day!
I've caught up with my laundry, at Last, now about to Hoover then sort my bedroom then out, got to be more to life than housework. I'm feeling better for sorting my house out.
sprinkle a decent layer of bicarb over the whole stain/area and leave it for a while (over night if you can, then hoover it up. that should get rid of it ;)
Anyone know how to get rid of the smell of tomcat pee ?

You could also try using a diluted white vinegar solution to wash the area -- it may take more than one treatment. Also, check with pet stores -- there are some commercial products.
I love the feeling of a tidy house, keeps you sane!

If I ever have one, I'll let you know !!:eek:

Big plans for today-going to start tackling the mess upstairs- I may be sometime:eek:
I think the only way I'll have a tidy house is if I lived alone. *sigh* I am pretty sure that I know how a salmon feels fighting to swim upstream.
MinnieMel said:
I think the only way I'll have a tidy house is if I lived alone. *sigh* I am pretty sure that I know how a salmon feels fighting to swim upstream.

Know the feeling, I live with three men, nightmare! I'm sure they think I'm a slave, drives me mad.
Met a friend for coffee at Dunelm Mill and bought a set of two folding bar stools to use when I iron. ;) Now, I HAVE to tackle the growing pile of ironing.
Today I have decluttered part of the ktichen, the top of one chest of drawers in our room, the floor of one daughters bedroom !!
Also goaded MrB into finally putting up the missing peice of border in the other daughter's room.
Took me a while to get going but it feels so good to have got some things done !!
Today I have decluttered part of the ktichen, the top of one chest of drawers in our room, the floor of one daughters bedroom !!
Also goaded MrB into finally putting up the missing peice of border in the other daughter's room.
Took me a while to get going but it feels so good to have got some things done !!

It does, don't it! I like putting things on my TO DO just to cross them off!

Keep on, keeping on!
Well today I bought a Carpet shampooer! Guess that means I may need to shampoo some carpets :)

I have nearly done the laundry, I half sorted the kitchen. The livingroom and toy-room are bearable. Tomorrow it's to the tip, buying curtain poles for the eldest daughters room, cleaning through upstairs, scrubbing the bathroom and I *may* have a go at the garage and eBay some stuff! I will leave hubby in charge of the carpet shampooing!
Well today I bought a Carpet shampooer! Guess that means I may need to shampoo some carpets :)

Not necesarily !! I bought one in the summer and havent used it yet appart from to check it works !LOL
Haha, I am a fiend for clean carpets! we dont do shoes in the house but we do have a toddler who has accidents, so it's more for that than than anything else!

I'm about to check what time the tip opens and may go now, bound to be empty this time in the morning!
Need to send DH to the tip with the broken washing machine. Right now he is doing maths with DD.

I have had a carpet cleaner for years -- it gets a work out from time to time. I need to a "spring clean" of the carpets.

I supposed I should get busy and catch up on some jobs not tended this week.

I sooo agree with these principles.... and have been UBER good the past few weeks (but for sad reasons) My mum passed away last month & has lived with me for over a decade, so technically we gained a room.... which has now become .... a gym!!!! I have also worked my way around almost all of the house/ cupboards/ wardrobes/ laundry etc & have to say, I have never had so much free time!!!! Hey ho....

Less Facebook time has certainly helped too (hangs head in shame) so just going off to sort out some dishwashing...... laters!!! x
So tip run done!

Bathroom bedroom and baby's room hovered! Just going to move her room around a bit to fit the single bed in.

Then hnmmm probably the logical thing to do would be scrub the bathroom, hoover the stairs, then the playroom!

Agh font you just live Sunday's?
I wish I checked my posts for weird auto corrections before I leave them!

I didnt get as far as the bathroom, but everything else. CHECK!
On that note.... my bathroom is desperate.... the pedal bin has magically spread out empty shower gel & shampoo containers across the floor, and DH & DD seemed oblivious and just left it there this morning.....

I've done the first step.... there is an empty binliner on the stairs waiting to make it into the bathroom!!!!

Nikki x
bathroom got a deep clean andd declutter this weekend, and the front room windows and net curtains got a good proper wash.
i should be doing a bit each night but i'm too pooped tonight!