Dear Diary

Thanks Alpaca. Hopefully when I re-start on Friday I'll get a few weeks with no illness, exams or interviews!!! But there's always something so I think I'll just have to learn how to power through.
Morning, we all have off times, just get back on track when you feel better. Good luck today.
The good news: The interview went well....& I start on Monday. YAY!!!

The bad news: Because i've had flu & lowered my immune system I've got shingles!! I've never had it before, but apparently anyone who has had chickenpox can get shingles if they are run down & stressed. Its really painful & gross. I feel absolutely disgusting, I can't sleep because of the pain & I'm just generally fed up now.
Have decided to leave the diet for the moment -I'll still try & be goodish, but I won't be being very strict until I have this under control. Hopefully I'll feel better soon.
Hi Bobcat
Fab news on the job - well done:)
Oh no on the shingles - not nice:(. Look after yourself and hopefully get better very soon
Best wishes
Well done on the job, not so good on the shingles, been there, had that, no fun. Rest as much as you can xxx
Oh no! Shingles are rubbish... Will you be ok to start on Monday? Do you have to steer clear of pregnant mums - or have I got that wrong? Hope you feel better soon :)
Well done on the job, sorry to hear about the shingles though.