Deb G - Before and After (LL)

Deb G

Silver Member
Started Sept 2007 - size 16-18 14st 7
Entered RTM Feb 2008 - size 8-10 9st (currently 8st7)

Excuse the lumpy jeans - they're size 10 and too big in the photo - and I don't have a hump back - must be my jumper!!!


  • Before = Front.jpg
    Before = Front.jpg
    75.7 KB · Views: 742
  • Before = Side.jpg
    Before = Side.jpg
    67.3 KB · Views: 576
  • After = Side.jpg
    After = Side.jpg
    78.5 KB · Views: 821
Front one was blurry - so will get hubby to take one and I'll add it later.
Congratulations and very well done!!!

Fantastic photos!!!

Attached Thumbnails
wow, you must be feeling real slim!!!!, you look great, gosh to be a size 10, what are people saying to you, who once know you as size 14/16???
Wow! Congratulations on your fab weight loss! I want to lose 75lbs so this is so inspiring for me, thanks for posting the pics!
WOWZER, the amazing shrinking woman!! You look all teeny tiny now, perfect - huge CONGRATULATIONS!!

i've just raided the fridge for a slice of cheese and a slice of ham. Wish i'd looked at these before i did it!! Well done to you.
Wow! So many fab sucess stories! Well done. inspirational!
Now what?

Hello everyone. Congrats on all the fabulous success stories. How do you keep going for months? I'm a week in, and have lost 13.5 lb. Should be thrilled, but I'm having a bit of downer since weigh in. Keep thinking about my fav grub!
u have gotten done to the exaxt weight i would like to be...and u look fab well done xx