God I feel awful this morning.
I had such a busy day yesterday I didn't have time to be 'ill' so I think my body is giving my double force today....
so why on earth did I wake up so early...
Still, once the kids are on the school bus I will have some peace till 4pm so hopefully I can dose myself up and chill out.....
Well, after sorting out my stock and paperwork from yesterday's classes - and the messages that i haven't listened to yet..... That'll take me till about 3pm then
I know, I shouldn't complain about being busy, but I hate to keep people waiting, even though I know I'm probably going to give crap advice while my head is all over the place with this flaming 'bug':cry: I'm pretty sure the lovely ladies at Carlisle wonder what on earth I was playing at last night.... good job they know me quite well by now eh! I can be forgetful at the best of times, but last night was a joke....
Oh well - time to get the boys up now....