On a lot of your days you don't seem to be using many syns. Could you maybe plan your day, and as part of it plan a nice chocolatey snack or something for the evening that is within your syn allowance? I try to use 10-15 syns a day, and look forward to my snack. I get a treat and I'm staying on plan, it's great! And it stops me giving in after dinner.
I'm the same as you I only have a book from 2007!! So only red & green day info. I'm doing mostly red & green but am doing some EE days too though, it seems more convenient sometimes. I believe super free foods are fruit & veg that are free on both red and green days. Have a look at - & - for more info on it.
And good luck! You're doing well
On a lot of your days you don't seem to be using many syns. Could you maybe plan your day, and as part of it plan a nice chocolatey snack or something for the evening that is within your syn allowance? I try to use 10-15 syns a day, and look forward to my snack. I get a treat and I'm staying on plan, it's great! And it stops me giving in after dinner.
I'm the same as you I only have a book from 2007!! So only red & green day info. I'm doing mostly red & green but am doing some EE days too though, it seems more convenient sometimes. I believe super free foods are fruit & veg that are free on both red and green days. Have a look at - & - for more info on it.
And good luck! You're doing well