Deb's Return to Cambridge Journey

Hey Hun you're nor whinging just expressing your feelings and that's what we're here for aren't we, supporting our fellow CD's . If you're unable to take a shake due to feeling unwell it's unlikely you're going to feel hungry and when you do just get a shake or even 2 down you to prevent yourself from eating food. Is it a bug you have? Any other symptoms. Have you tried sipping at the shakes gradually just to get a bit of nutrients..
Hope you're feeling well soon Hun xxx
Hey Deb hope you're ok not heard from you for While drop us a quick post so I know all is well x
Day 29 (had to go count on the calendar there cos I had lost track completely!) and after being ill with the flu for the best part of 2 weeks I am finally starting to feel better and can once again face my shakes - I think!

Have had loads of water today so far which is a huge difference to the last 2 weeks when I'm lucky if i've managed to get a glass down me in a day, had a few shakes too but was kind of put off them a bit as my taste buds were all to pot. Thankfully though, as I wasnt at all hungry, I didnt eat food :D

Have a vanilla shake to have for lunch today which will be my first of the day and am going to force it down even if it kills me - 2 weeks of staying the same has not helped my quest for thin-ness, although am so chuffed that I havent put anything on as I had really expected to have put on a ton with not drinking or cd'ing properly.

Thanks for you messages Pinky - how are you doing?
Just read your posts and you seem to have done amazingly well.... Especially no weight gain during having the flu!!
Hope you're feeling better
Anna xx
Day 32 - thats a month to the day when I started my cd restart- albeit I cant really count the 2 weeks with the flu but as I didnt cheat during that time I am still counting those days as part of my journey - even if I am more than a little bit p'd off that I ended up ill so soon into my restart :mad: Never mind, all good again and feeling fine - just want to get on with it and lose this bloomin weight once and for all.

Had a kind of funny day yesterday for some reason. Wasn't unwell but just felt kinda restless all day and if someone had offered me even a tiny slice of cheese I'd probably have taken their hand off in my rush to stuff it in my face! I thought about food all day, imagined what a steak would taste like (as if I've never had one before!!) sniffed everyone's lunch at work (so unfair that they can eat chips at their desks!!!) much to their amusement and for the first time in a month I felt deprived!

I remember feeling like this when I did cd the first time around and I know feelings like that come and go but I had forgotten that really serious and indignant "oh my god i am actually deprived!" feeling! Anyone else every feel like that?

I think its possibly cos food is such a huge part of our lives ("our" being us dieters) and when you take it away completely its a good thing but also quite a strange, maybe unnatural feeling thing. Who knows!

Anyway, despite feeling like I was the most starved and deprived individual in the whole of central Scotland, with this huge mountain to climb ahead of me that is just sooooo impossible (yeah, I was having a woe is me moment - lol!!), I didnt waver from CD and feel fine today!

Am sure I'll have other waver moments over the course of this journey but I need to remember why it is that I need to do it (cos I'm unhappy), who I'm doing it for (that'll be moi!) and how I'm gonna feel when I successfully complete it and am slim (fan-bloomin-tastico methinks!!!). So, the journey continues.........

Just read your posts and you seem to have done amazingly well.... Especially no weight gain during having the flu!!
Hope you're feeling better
Anna xx

Thanks Anna - just need to get it moving again which isnt happening so far this week - sneaky hop in the scales today reveals that I am STILL the same - aaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! Seeing my CDC on Tuesday next week instead of Monday so hopefully by then I'll have shifted, if not I'll just cry on her and hope she gives me a free pound off cos she feels sorry for me :rolleyes:

How you doing? Is it CD SS you're on too?

Day 33 done and dusted and still feeling grand! It really does get easier with every day that passes.

Been a diy queen this evening and done some jobs around the house that have needed done for ages and I couldnt be bothered. So I've put up a towel rail, put up a shelf, resealed my shower and then hoovered which isnt diy but seemed like a good way to finish off my diy-ing!

Off to get my pj's on now and get a cuppa before big brother starts - yes, I am a sad old BB fan!

Dont like weekends on CD so am going to make a wee list of all the other things i still need to do around the house to make sure I am extra busy and have no time to even think about food.
Am ok Karen, hows you hun?

I'm having a I Hate CD day today - have managed to convince myself that I hate all flavours of shake and soup and I know I dont really, am just having a moan!

Hows you?
I ok hun, you don't hate CD dear, you are embracing it, it will work, it will work, it flippin will. I only ever have choc shakes (and 1 bar a day) because its not something i want to look forward too, does that make any sense.

I need to have the mentality i need to eat to live, not live to eat x