Purple Patsy
Gold Member
Oh so the fact you posted on my diary means it's fixed????? Yippee. No excuse for your lack of posts now. And Yeay to the focussed and back on it 100%. Hope you're having a good start to the week. 
I think I've just given myself the biggest kick up the backside ever
I've just had a look at the funding criteria for fertility treatment in Wales and I need to get my bmi down to 30 before they'll even start treatment. That's just over half of my body weight at the moment!!!
So I've just totally freaked myself out and am determined to get strict with myself and will just have to keep my fingers crossed that we get lucky in the mean time :cry:
Soooooo excited
I'm biting the bullet and starting the plan tomorrow, going to nip to the shops and get a loaf of Nimble, some mushrooms, bacon etc and some fruit and salad.
I've got some Chilli in the freezer that I made a few weeks ago - 1 can of tomatoes, 1 can of baked beans, 1 can of kidney beans, 1 large onion, 1 red pepper, a bit of garlic and a few herbs and spices, and cooked them with some lean mince after spraying the pan with frylight. The tomatoes, onion and red pepper are superfree aren't they? So if I had a portion of that with a bit of pasta, would they count as my 1/3 for tomorrow's evening meal?
EDIT** there's a whole packet of mushrooms in the chilli as welland I got about 4 portions out of the batch I made x
Glad I popped in here tonight. Loved your chilli recipe and will try it tomorrow. Don't eat meat so will use Quorn. Thanks xxx
soapy x
Got a huge shopping list now :giggle:
Poor Chris' face when I showed him :8855: