*deep breath* my journey to a thinner / healthier me

EmmyR1984 said:
-2lbs for me this week :faint2:

I'm so close to the 1 stone mark I just wish it would hurry up and get a wriggle on :8855:

Positives for today

1) I'm starting to realise how bad scale hopping is, I'm going to try very hard this week to resist, and if I can't - up in the attic they go until next monday :eek:
2) I'm going to have a week not worrying about how many syns I have (within my limit), if I have 14.5 a day, it doesn't matter, they're there to be used
3) I'm going to try lots of new recipes this week to spice up my boring menus lol
4) I feel fantastic that I'm losing this weight and I took it upon myself to do it, I made the decision to change and am glad I did
5) It's mine and Chris' 5 year anniversary this week :woohoo:

Woo hoo well done lady :) xx
Hi Emmy, just had a quick scan through your diary as you are posting on mine. WELL DONE!! You have lost an amazing amount in such a short space of time and it defo won't be long before that 1stone is yours!

Looking forward to continuing your journey with you!

:8855: just been trying to figure out why I've been running backwards and forwards from the loo all morning. Just realised I've almost drank 2.5 litres today :eek:

Have found a cereal that is amazingly low calorie and makes you feel like you're getting more of it ;) Puffed Wheat!!!!! Going to get a box and see what it's like, bet it tastes like cardboard, but it's got to be worth a try :8855:
Have persuaded Chris to take me to Tesco tomorrow :woohoo:

Not too sure he's going to be too happy when he sees the size of the list I've made :eek:
EmmyR1984 said:
:8855: just been trying to figure out why I've been running backwards and forwards from the loo all morning. Just realised I've almost drank 2.5 litres today :eek:

Have found a cereal that is amazingly low calorie and makes you feel like you're getting more of it ;) Puffed Wheat!!!!! Going to get a box and see what it's like, bet it tastes like cardboard, but it's got to be worth a try :8855:

I love puffed wheat :)

It's just like sugar puffs if you add some splenda and you get a good bowl full for a HEB too!!!

I think I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow:) .

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Have found a cereal that is amazingly low calorie and makes you feel like you're getting more of it ;) Puffed Wheat!!!!! Going to get a box and see what it's like, bet it tastes like cardboard, but it's got to be worth a try :8855:
I love that puffed wheat with sweetner. Just tastes like sugar puffs. Well done on your weight loss. You are doing amazing! xx
Quick food plan for tomorrow :)

Brekkie - fibre plus bar (hexb) and apple
Snack - mango snack pack
Lunch - cheese and ham wrap with side salad (5 syns)
Dinner - Sausage casserole
Snack - hot chocolate (2 syns) and maybe something else, just not sure yet
Food looks yummy for tomorrow, all i can think about is chicken wrapped in bacon with barbecue sauce and cheese so guess what's for dinner tomorrow! Yum yum xx
Food looks fab for tomorrow hun, we had chicken wrapped in bacon with philly and garlic last night, never thought of putting in real cheese, next time though :hug99: xxx
Well done on your loss this week hun, you're doing soo well! Plus, you're so close to your next Award - that stone will be yours next week :D xx
Hi everyone :wavey:

This morning was a bit manic so didn't get chance to get online. We basically got up and went straight to tesco (I had to eat breakfast in the car). Have stocked up on lots of fruit and got some salady type stuff too :D

Feeling really lazy today so not sure if I fancy cooking something big, if not, I'll probably have sausage, bacon, egg and lots of mushrooms and save making the sausage casserole for maybe sunday night to eat on monday :)

Positives for today

1) I woke up this morning feeling fantastic about everything and even more determined than ever to hit my targets
2) I have decided that I am going to wait until December to actually order my wedding dress as it gives me lots of time to lose weight before getting measured, I'm still going to go to my appointments though as I'm dying to try them on :eek:
3) I feel confident that my shape is changing, last night when I got out of the shower, the bones in my decolletage stick out a bit more rather than just being covered by flab :8855:
4) I feel so grateful that I found this place as my wonderful minimins friends help me and support me through the good times and bad
Hey sweetie, what fantastic positives, I am grinning from ear to ear for you.
I would do the same with the wedding dress in your shoes and I am certain you will look absolutely stunning, smaller breastbone and all :hug99:
Have a fab day sweetie xxxx
Well done on ur loss this week Emily...only 1 pound til a stone,eeek! Ul be so proud of urself (next week hopefully) xx
Absolutely love all your positives. So much so that I feel the need to start my own, just scared I won't be able to think of three a day or it will be the same 3 every day.:sigh:

You are doing do well!! I hope the positives have helped you and are about to help me too.:D

Food looks fab as usual. I know how you feel with not feeling like cooking some of the time. I find if I don't have something sorted in my head by the time I leave work I'm in trouble. Too many takeaways on the route out of town. Even if I don't indulge all my good intentions go out the window by the time I get home. I need to get so much more organised and get back to the slow cooker.:confused: