Definitely Up For The 10s This Week!!!

Well straight after WI I only have time for dinner then I got straight out to karate and it's bed time by the time I get home so I usually take Thursdays as a day off or 'fat day' as I call it! I don't worry about or count Syns. Although, I have done for the last few weeks cus I haven't much felt like pigging out so I have listed everything in my food diary. I allow myself to go over on my Syns on thursday and friday and sometimes into the weekend but seriously rein it in on a Monday to Wednesday. It's the way it works for me
I've updated the fat photos with the new ones taken tonight. I think the difference is much clearer now.
Oh god yh def! doing well gal! x
cheers - I feel so much better for it too. I will put a few decent pics on after the wedding I'm going to in a few weeks - just to show that I don't always dress like this lol

but the thing is you may as well put pics of the same clothes as we will be able to tell better eh...x
you are doing really well, the difference is amazing
keep up the good work
I don't fit in any if the old clothes - was an 18 now a 14/12 woohoo!
Get rid of those old clothes! Keep one pair of trousers and a top for reference but take the rest to a charity shop. I have taken about 10 bin bags full of clothes to charity in the 4 years I have been doing this and I have more stuff to off load. It is such a good feeling to say goodbye to it all
well done, you can really see a differnce x
Cheers, even I was impressed when I reviewed the pics and I'm a constant critic of myself.
I hope to be getting nearer to the 2.5 stone mark, I'll be back later with the official WI results.
I found this on a website and thought it may help:-

Nothing is more frustrating to a dieter than not losing weight when you expect to. Just when you’ve started to get the hang of a new lifestyle your body stops responding to the hard work that you are doing. This is generally referred to as a plateau in weight loss; here are some of the classic signs and what you can do.
  • The scale isn’t moving
  • Clothes aren’t getting bigger
  • You’re hungry all the time
  • Exercises aren’t as difficult
  • You’re doing the same things, but not getting any results
What’s most frustrating about these signs is the fact that it might seem like you’re doing everything right. You’re eating what you’re supposed to be eating, working out when you plan to, and even cutting back further than you have to on your chosen diet plan. What’s going on?

What causes a weight loss plateau?

Thankfully you can generally blame Mother Nature for your metabolic frustrations. What happens is that as your body changes, it starts to get ‘used’ to the new weight and wants to settle there. Your body has given you as many results as possible using the current menu and fitness program you’re on.
The reason why your body does this is to avoid starvation. It senses that it’s not getting as much food as it used to and so it tries to hold onto what you’re giving it. Or it’s getting used to the exercises that you’re doing, so it’s not responding in the same way. Basically, your body is leveling out – hence, the term plateau.
What can you do?

But now that you know what a plateau is and what the signs of it can be, you can start to tailor your weight loss routine to prevent or stop a plateau. What you need to do is change up what you’ve already been doing so that your body has to respond. This can include several things:
  • Increase your calorie intake slightly
  • Increase the intensity of your exercise plan
  • Try adding more protein to your diet
  • Drink more water
These simple steps can sometimes recharge your body and put it back into fat-burning, weight-losing mode. A weight loss plateau is something that every dieter will see at one point or another, so don’t feel like you’re not heading in the right direction. Often, a plateau is that sign that you’re doing a good job already, but that you need to tweak something.

Are you to blame?

Some dieters are anxious to blame their plateau on physiological changes, rather than looking first to see if they are causing the plateau. Ask yourself these questions:
If you’re not sure that you can answer these questions in the affirmative, you might want to rethink your current actions before you start blaming the plateau on other things.

You can start keeping a food journal and writing down your exercise minutes to see if you could work a little harder. Maybe you’ve been eating more fatty foods and you just haven’t realized it. Or maybe it’s time that you try to workout out at a faster pace than you have been.
A weight loss plateau is going to happen at one point or another, but instead of sitting still and suffering through it; you know what to do to overcome it and continue on the path to your weight loss goals.

Hope this helps!
wow spaceangel where do you get these articles? it's like they're specially written for me! Thanks
How cool was that SA!

Yh I think Im a bit cheeky with things.... maybe need to concentrate harder and try harder!?

Good Luck Sandra! x
I am a mindfield of info me! Lol. Glad it's helped ya!