Deflating the Bouncy Castle

I think it's nearly time for more photos gorgeous! You look fab x
heh - little happenning bodywise, but I will post (when I get home - can't access facebook at work) a face shot that I took on saturday. As I lose weight my eyes are getting bigger*. Who'd'a thunkit?

*obv not getting actually bigger. that'd be sore. You can just see more of them because they aren't surrounded by quite so much face (in manner of a raisin pushed into bread dough).
I'm excited to see more photos! My CDC showed me by before photo the other day from when I first went to see her - OMG I was horrified. But am liking what I see now when I look in the mirror. When I've finished, im going to steal them from her and stick them on the fridge. :)
less face more features :) makes perfect sense. My hub says my eyes are bigger too x
These are huge, sorry - it just seems to be the size that facebook make them

ok - before:

and after:

SPANGLES!! You are luschious. Look at that jaw bone!!! x
Wow what a huge difference! You look gorgeous :) Nice to put a face to the name too x
What is it with all these hot mommas's around these parts - so many beautiful lasses around here its ridonkulous! Sooo sassy spangles :)
thanks girls, you're very kind.

I am kind of lantern-jawed. It's kind of been my saving grace and my downfall with my weight. Clearly-defined jaw means I didn't see 'fat' when I looked in the mirror.

Thinner now though!
You look lovely spangles x
Ooooooh Spangles you look well lush!!!! Your face has changed dramatically (as in thinner with cheekbones) :D
How amazing, and soo inspirational. Thank you for your fantastic diary, it has kept me company tonight and I have chuckled loudly so many times.....hubby is feeling quite left out on what I have found so funny.
Looking forward to the next installment.
Dolly x
thanks again

So today I made a shopping list for 810 week, even though it's two and a half weeks off. It's not very adventurous

low fat natural yoghurt (need to check quantities if having instead of milk allowance)
chicken breasts

... and that's it. I shall have mushroom omelette on alternate days (3), and in between I will either have grilled prawns with cucumber and yoghurt to dip, or chicken breast with broccoli. if i'm not eating my yoghurt as a dip i will flavour it with water flavourings and have it as a dessert. I *know*...! such luxury!

I know you can do fancy-dan things with yoghurt marinades, and making up soup packs as sauces... but tbh, this is about sustenance and sticking to the plan and surviving the week. I don't want to get too swept up in the possibilities of food, really, cos I'll have another four months of this when i go back to SS. I'm only having the yoghurt because milk and I do not get on. (I think it smells, but don't tell it I said so.)

I'm also utterly irritated by the 'measuring vegetables in tablespoons' thing. surely that's inaccurate? a tablespoon of broccoli is very tall, but a table spoon of mushroom slices is quite flat. A tablespoon of lettuce leaf does not contain the same calories, carbs or any other nutrients as a tablespoon of celeriac, surely? stupid system. I'd like allowed weights for each vegetable. Then I will know I'm not doing it wrong... but i guess cambridge have their reasons.

anyway, I am much less stressy about the whole prospect than I was a few weeks back. It's only a week. I like omelettes, I like prawns. I'll be fine.
You will be fine. Your willpower is immense! xx

You look fantastic!!!

I know where your coming from I'm already a bit scared about having to go up a step & eat food in a few weeks. I'm worried that I'll just fall of the CD wagon completely as soon as I taste food. So your not alone.
I think you've got the right idea about keeping it as simple as poss. If you keep what you eat quite bland then you won't be as tempted to eat too much of it.

I've never liked cow's milk either - but I switched to goats milk a few years ago & find it has a much milder taste & there's even a few less cal's as well.