yeah - maybe. I forget how much bmi is affected by height.
Today my obsession is clothes. I have a friend and he got a bit funny over the summer and stopped talking to a great chunk of his friends including me. That makes it sound really rude - it wasn't really, he's just unhappy about a lot of things and wanted to concentrate on areas of his life that he felt more secure about. Fair enough.
Anyway, he started Atkinsing last January, and last I spoke to him, he'd lost 80 pounds (he started at 24 stone - reckon he's about 18st now... stopped losing I think.). I hadn't started my diet. A few weeks ago, out of the blue he emailed a couple of us and asked us to come and see him in a show he's doing. Not chatty at all, but opening the lines of communication, and we'll hopefully chat in the green room after. It's on 29th November. Now, I want to look FABULOUS. I'm known in that social circle as wearing fantastic clothes, and anyway, he hasn't seen me and hopefully i'll be 4 stone down by then.
BUT - what the hell am I going to wear? It has to be something I can concievably have worn to work, cos i'm going straight after (probably will change, but can't look too dressy). I hope i'll be a safe size 18 by then... but I just don't know. There are dresses I could buy, but it seems wasteful spending £50 on a frock that'll be too big soon - especially if it ends up being too big or too small by the end of November...!
On the surface i'm quite a chotic person, but i'm guessing through my attitude to the diet, you guys will understand that i'm also a real control freak about some stuff. and this is some of that stuff.
Not really looking for suggestions - and i suspect the answer is to go to a real, actual shop (as opposed to the internet) and try something on the saturday before (we go on the tuesday). I think i'm just venting here. It's very odd not to have a wardrobe rammed with fanstastic outfits (well i do, but they're huge), or failing that, to have hunted down and secured the perfect thing a month in advance.