Deflating the Bouncy Castle

Hi Spangles,

Have just read your entire diary, whilst using CD as an excuse to be on the sofa under a blanket for most of the day. I hope you don't mind me posting this, but it may help you, and if not, someone else who reads it. I did CD 5 years ago. I didn't find it horrific at the time as I also have chronic binge eating disorder. To be able to remove food entirely from my life was so emancipating. It was the only time I have ever been able to exhibit any self-restraint. I was a bit of a mess when I had finished (I randomly left my fiance 6 weeks before we were getting married) so I guess I never really considered that life post-CD would be different than whilst I was on it. I thought that being slim would be enough motivation for me to stay slim. I felt strong and confident and that I had just lost 6 stones on CD so why would I ever feel rubbish enough to binge eat again? What could possibly ruin my new-found confidence and resolve? Turns out, some bad news about 2 weeks later did just that. I know now that once I eat again, the same thoughts and behaviours will be there. From reading your diary I know that you already know that. I feel dumb that I honestly never did.

I am now back on CD with more weight to lose than the last time. Whilst I never wanted to do it again, my eating was so horrifically out of control I needed an immediate stop. And this was a way that I knew how. It will be my last time though. I slightly feel like I have a fresh start once I start eating again.

Anyway, a bit that may help you after that self-indulgence. I had some counselling when I was feeling up to it. It wasn't really CBT as I find I'm far too destructive for that. I was very sceptical as I thought I knew everything about when & why I binged. But actually, just talking through how I behaved with a stranger gave me insights in to how I behave and why. For example, I am perpetually disorganised. I am totally unable, for example, to do ironing the night before I need it, and instead will do it in a morning, however I would never get up earlier to deal with it. Whilst to me, this just shows how lazy I am, she actually explained that it is a way of injecting some adrenaline and excitement in to my life (will I be late). This then has a negative impact on cortisol levels etc and makes me eat. As I spend a lot of my life disorganised then being organised is one thing that helps. She also pointed out that bingeing on carbs (mine is chips, McDonalds, white bread, cheese) has a soporific effect so that it takes the edge off the stress and the bad feelings. Instead I feel sleepy and woozy.

I know now that my best chance of success lies with being organised in my life. This means I will have less rows with my boss and less portions of chips in the car on the way home. It will be hard as naturally I am disorganised, but an eating disorder is tackled, to some extent, with order. I use food as a self-punishment so improving my self-esteem also helps; setting three tasks to do per day, so that I have a sense of accomplishment. Committing to exercise (no matter how intense) three times per week. Routine and endorphins will also help. I think the key for me is not to get to the binge stage. Once I am there I don't see there being any hope to stop. I am too destructive to do anything to want to stop. Perverse as it is I want to hurt myself and change the way I feel. I get some relief from comparing it to cocaine. So I wouldn't buy cocaine from the work canteen, so why would I buy chips, which I use for the same impact. I guess it is whatever gets you through.

Apologies, I am really rambling now! I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't really care for CBT, either, but have had some success from counselling as people from a distance can identify things that you can't. Once I am done with CD then low-carb is my future. I think it is easier not to eat some things rather than trying to exercise some control. I hope some of this may have helped a little and I don't appear to be a random lunatic posting on your page.

Good luck x
Oh wow - you have described my life. I leave work stuff to the eleventh hour - i always have. and yes food plays its part of living an uppers-and-downers kind of life. self medicating a rollercoaster of feelings.


i'm glad non-CBT helped you... it really is my instinct to not choose CBT because i know how cynical i am about some stuff. i think i overdosed on self-help books in my twenties, and i just don't have any faith in it - which would be something of a disadvantage...

anyway, thanks so much for posting: it's given me real food for thought.
oh heck - yes, where are my manners?

good luck with CD, maxie. Enjoy the break from food.
Was just reading some old threads on the maintenance forum and realised i had neglected the fruit aspect of step 3 (starting tuesday evening). I shall be having museli for brekkie, so had bypassed the whole fruit thing, forgetting that you're sposed to have 50 cals of fruit in the evening too. exciting times!
i cannot wait for some fruity fruit!! is it wrong that i have five weeks of ss left...but today i almost wrote a shopping list for 810?!!! simply.because i am completely anal and over organised and want things ready in my head nowwwwww!!! xxx
not at all! advance shopping lists have played a big part in my stepping up.
I remember Sarah ( cerulean ) when she had her first taste of fruit in like 7 months. I think she was ..... reborn! You are so amazingly regimented about this stepping up business, a force to be reckoned with, a real poster girl of determinatikn and focus..... How many weeks of this craziness left now and when is New York?
6 weeks for both. In which I may not lose anything more - reading the maintenance forum, that's quite possible. If I'm unlucky I may even gain. But there's not much I can do about that.

I had big plans for starting exercise this week - but looking at what's coming up at work the next three weeks, I just won't have time on the night I'd planned to do it. I shall be trying to manage on four hours sleep max on most nights the next few weeks, to fit in all that needs doing. Can't add exercise to that.
I am convinced you will lose that 5lbs in 6 weeks. Perhaps the first full week on this step you may gain as the body is adjusting be the next few weeks I am sure you will lose even with fruit! It is amazing how differently people lose weight even those who are similar heights and weight and on the same plan - the losses vary considerably.

You really are appreciating food having been on this long hard journey. I would so like to be like that and take food for granted. Hoping I will learn that this time around.
Oh no! Minimins has been banned from work. Heh. Probably for the best...
Haha! Have they been checking your use? Or is it coincidental?
Nah - new server. We lost a load of sites.
Hi All.

Sorry to hijack your diary Spangalicious - but as it is such a hub of activity I thought I would post my new find here as lots of people would see it.

I just found this new app by a web developer. "What size am I?" app: What Size Am I?

It lets you put in your Measurements and then tells you which high street store is best fitted to your specific inches!

I don't know if it is accurate or not - but thought it might be worth giving it a go, so you can see which stores are best suited to you as your weight goes down. Obviously only good for mainstream high street stores - next, topshop etc - but still, thought I would share just incase anyone was interested.

She has also written a little blog on the science behind the experiment (v. interesting read - especially if you love tech and shopping like me!)

Of course it doesn't take into account Height, and apparently I am best suited to Next clothes - but unfortunately their trousers are always wayyyy too long for me (as is everything) xxx
Last edited:'s also really fun to compare your original inches to those now...just for a self esteem boost.
That's really interesting in the article, I always knew clothes were different between shops. I'll have a play with that later!
I just found this new app by a web developer. "What size am I?" app: What Size Am I?

Doesn't work with the measurements I put in, I should still be a size 22 apparently! Which is what I started at, humph! I arranged it so it showed my actual size and I should be 5 inches smaller on my hips and 3 on my waist, due my measuring next week so fingers crossed!
well i've just had a chance to have a play with that gadget. i'm supposedly a 14 except for my top which is an 18 or larger.

But i need a 16 in trousers still - even in M&S. so who knows.