Some fab ideas there! I do pack myself a little bag when I stay at my boyfriends house. Usually velvet crunch, hi bars, options sachets, fruit and I always make him buy me semi skimmed milk as they only use whole milk
Excellent idea MrsWilsonCroft. Very inspiring too, thank you
Slimming World Survival Kit......
Hubby and I are staying in a hotel tomorrow for 2 nights so I thought I'd better put together my weekend survival kit to see me through. I like to prepare myself just in case the hotel doesn't have anything suitable for me.
Im not planning to eat it all but at least it's there if I need it
I'll be packing it all away in my cute pink cool bag.
Pineapple - free
Melon - free
Satsumas - free
Mug Shot - free
Pepsi Max - free
Ryvita Mini's - 5 syns or 1 bag is HEA choice
Mikado - 0.5 syns a stick
Hartley's no added sugar jelly - 0.5 syns a pot
Alpen Light - 3 syns each or 2 are a HEB choice
Flumps - 1.5 syns each
Treat size crunchie - 4 syns
Highlights Fudge hot chocolate - 2 syns a sachet
Hifi deluxe - 6 syns or 1 for HEB choice
HiFi berry bakewell - 6 syns or 1 for HEB choice
HiFi light rocky road - 3 syns each or 2 for HEB choice
Not sure of the syns for the Wham bar, will have to check it out on packaging.
Does anyone else ever prepare themselves something like this if you are going out or staying away from home?
It would be great to share some more ideas xxxx
Little Hippo - Have you changed your name????
Ah ha . . . bit of detective word needed there!Sure have xxxx
That's given me an idea to get a lunch box full of goodies as my own stash because having 2 boys they eat everything in sight especially the 11 year old xxx
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I noticed straight away about the name change! Lol how u getting on on sw hun xx
Yeah I'm back on the slimming world wagon! Have lost over three stone since xmas just on my own but I desperately want to lose another stone so deciding ill do it with slimming world. What sort of things do u have hun xx
Loving this SW survival kit What a fabulous idea Will definitely have a go myself Love it!!!!