20 minute walk to Zumba, 60 mins of Zumba and 20 minute walk home - unfortunately the extra 20 minutes spent gossiping with my SW chums after Zumba doesn't count
Waiting to see whether my many precautions this week have saved me from another midge massacre
Zumba tonight for 60 minutes - jeez our instructor is hardcore! Walked very fast to Zumba so another 20 mins but got a lift home as I'd had enough for one day
Omg ...really kicked ass at body attack.. if i may say so myself lol...now I know all the moves...I really gave it my all... and it almost killed me...haha.. but feel good I gave it my all.. although almost vomited at one point..oops.... xxx
45 mins of boxercise tonight, boy my shoulders will be feeling that tomorrow - first time I've been back to that class since January, how time flies! Also 15 mins walk to the gym to get to the class and 15 mins home.