I'm struggling.
The last couple of days has been really difficult.

Shakes aren't doing it for me anymore, i've gone off them, forcing them down. Funny how things change.
Made some houmous 2 days ago and have to admit I tried some and surprisingly didin't feel guilty over it, then tried some more.
This time last week I was buzzing feeling real good, full of energy and now..............
I really admire you guys that have been doing this for weeks and sticking to it 100%, and those of you that fall of the wagon but get straight back on. keep on doing what ur doing, you help me see the bigger picture

This is a hard road to travel and I've hit my first bump. I knew it would come somewhere along the way but not so soon.
Was trying to figure out what's changed, realised that TOTM is due anytime soon so maybe that's why I've lost my zest. Jeez, this is hard. Can't say I'm feeling hungry, just need a bit more variety at this moment in time. Hope this feeling goes away soon cause I'm sticking in there by the skin of my teeth.
Drinking loads of water, at least that's going well.
Been checking a few diaries and you guys are doing so well, I meant it, you guys rock.
Hope everyones had great day.