Hey all.
Just been reading this thread, a bit old I know but your posts have been helpful.
I've had depression on and off for the past 10 + years - have been on Sertraline (anti-dep) for the last 5years, due to experiencing horrible ocd and anxiety attacks. However, I reckon I've put on about 3 stone since being on Sertraline. Went to the docs about this - they referred me to a psych who suggested I may have atypical depression, and suggested the dose be increased...which it was, to 150mg - but a year later, it's still not made a difference to my binging, carb and chocolate craving, although it's helped stabalise my moods and help me to be able to cope a bit more.
What are other people's experiences of sertraline, if any? (sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, it's just be helpful to know). Have done a search on this forum.
I guess everyone is different and maybe my dose needs to be higher. I will go def go back to my GP as I feel like my weight/self image/esteem is a big part of this (well, it's all a viscous circle really!!!).
I've had quite a bit of psychotherapy and CBT in the past, both of which have been amazing and really helped me to move on, so that could be an option too.
It's just frustrating because I know what my issues are and how I use food to self medicate and yet wonder if there is some kind of biochemical addiction to chocolate going on in my brain which another form of medication may help in kicking it in the butt....
All in all I know this can be beaten and I intend to lose some serious weight in 2012, probably going back to Slimming World, setting some decent realistic goals, getting some excercise in.
Another thing that has really helped me manage my depression is to treat myself kindly, even though I may not feel like it. The other day I had a bit of a revelation - following a severe self critical beating after a mistake I'd made at work- is this the way I would respond to a friend in the same situation? How would I feel to hear her talking about herself that way? I was really horrified!
Hope this helps someone
