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I'm getting so upset about money - i.e. I have none, am in £500 from my uni overdraft that I'll start being charged for in June (although I think my Dad might be able to help me out with that)...I'm unemployable, have no work experience, and just feel like crap. I didn't get my degree in the end, so am looking for work to subsidise living and pay for an Open University degree (with a credit transfer from my degree already studied). I just feel awful right now. No jobs seem right for me, even if I was the most outgoing of people...although, then, I'd probably have graduated no problem. I need money to buy new bras and stuff, things I need to look presentable but I find I go through them quite quickly, and I feel awful asking my parents to buy me stuff as I really want to lose weight to help my self-esteem - it all just seems like a horrible circle.
Now my boyfriend's said he might go for a job placement in Edinburgh, where I'm in London. I don't mind, and maybe I'll join him, but we've only been apart for 3 or so weeks, and I really miss him.
Not only that, but again not having any money is making losing weight parents don't really buy much fruit or veg, a lot of their diet still consists of red meat and potatoes/bread (even though they insist it's not as bad as it used to be). I don't know what to do to make myself a bit happier and comfortable about all of this. I'm currently sleeping on two mattresses on the floor because my bed is bust!
Now my boyfriend's said he might go for a job placement in Edinburgh, where I'm in London. I don't mind, and maybe I'll join him, but we've only been apart for 3 or so weeks, and I really miss him.
Not only that, but again not having any money is making losing weight parents don't really buy much fruit or veg, a lot of their diet still consists of red meat and potatoes/bread (even though they insist it's not as bad as it used to be). I don't know what to do to make myself a bit happier and comfortable about all of this. I'm currently sleeping on two mattresses on the floor because my bed is bust!