Derbynanny's weight loss

yes you can - you are so close, it will take a little time at this stage probably but you are getting there - well done!!
You must be so proud to be so close to target, I can't imagine how you are feeling!! I guess it is a different ball game for you now? Have you thought about what's gonna change once you get there, is it something your SWC has spoken to you about? I am still soooooo far away but at least I am on the right road.

You are a real inspiration to people like me who are still a long way from goal. I'm so excited for you!!

Good luck :)
sts had long talk to consultant and reviewed my last 2 months of SW and realised 90% of those weigh ins i was 10 11 or 10 11.5 and consultant thinks my body may be at it's target. Especially considering my level of activity (marathon training so running min 25 miles a week but increasing to 40+ in next 10 weeks )

Have agreed to put in 110% effort for next 2 weeks as i have 2 weeks of countdown left and then make that wi my PAT

on upside I am wearing a pair of size 10 trousers, have only ever managed a size 10 in jeans before as they hold things in.

Congrats on being comfy in size 10 trousers :)

Seems very sensible to accept your body's natural healthy weight is what it is, you're clearly very fit too and I would guess the fit toned muscle you have is making you weigh more than maybe you originally thought you would.

As I have never been anywhere near healthy fit weight both my adult and child life, I have no idea where it should be on the scales. The figure I put in on the SW site and on here too is the upper end of the BMI for my height, as I am quite big built, and also I don't want to put any unnecessary pressure on myself by setting unrealistic targets.

That said, if I get to a stage I am happy with my weight and size, I shall just declare that my goal weight. And likewise if I get to the 'goal weight' and am still unhappy then I will just keep going. For me it is more about how I feel and look, than how much I weigh.

Good luck with your continuing marathon (should that be 'Snickers' these days?) training :)
well done on getting in size 10' sounds sensible to base your target weight on clothes size and how you are feeling as obviously your high exercise levels will mean your body has more muscle, which weighs more than fat.

Well done :)
thanks for your support both of you.

Love the idea of snickers training .... hmm when can i start LOL Well that would put paid to my PAT :)

I am a big build as well and as you point out muscular

so watch this space in the next 2 weeks

Trying a few red days as i am quorn obsessed and a change may be good !

Well I have not had any scales for 2 and 12 weeks as i had hubby hide them but have decided that I miss my daily check in.

I think for me weighing daily helps me rather than hinders me.

Very hapy to have them back and will weigh on them tomorrow
i'm quorn obsessed too, eat so much of the stuff every week, lots of offers on the mince and chunks at the moment so well stocked up! Good luck with red days, i don't do them as i don't eat meat.
Do you do all green days then or do you do green and extra easy?

I am doing an ee day today and so happy to not having to think how much potato I can have!!

I don't think i can do red days when i have done a long run. I ran 13 miles today and even have not had a large carby meal and i am starving ! I am having a friend of hubby's over for dinner and we are having coq au vin and garlicky smashed potatoes but I am not sure I will make it to 8 pm without a packet of savoury rice LOL or some baked beans
i stick to the green days as i get extra HEA and B with that. Don't always ahve the extra HEA but always use the B.

well done on your run, that's great exercise.
Well missed WI due to falling on black ice at work yesterday and hurting my back. Not seriously thank goodness but enough to leave me sore and in no mood to go back out in snow and ice last night.

Unfortunately felt choc was necessary to console me too.

Back OP today and back to green and EE don't think red days changed my weight loss at all as still sts at home wi.
Hi Teresa hope your back is better and it doesn't effect your training schedule.

I do permanent green days, I'm not a vege but never been a fan of meat. Can't beat a day full of rice and pasta :)
Thanks Dave.

As I posted on your thread i have been off plan for a while but now back on plan and determined.

I know weigh in will be a gain just how much is they mystery!!

But i am in a motivated place and going to do one month of 100% OP then settling on whatever weight I am then as my target !

How is your back now, all better I hope?

I hurt mine helping a friend move Friday but it is already ok again. In fact, I played badminton Tuesday and it was fine then. It's never got better that quick before!! Must be the weight loss that has made a difference. I am hoping that getting to goal might prevent it from ever going in the first place. Probably not, but I can hope lol.

As you say, not to worry about the 2lb increase as you knew it was coming, and I am certain you will be able to shake off at least 3lb before the end of Feb sticking to plan. I don't wanna teach you to suck eggs but just make sure you eat enough - you are doing far more training than most people and you will need extra fuel too. Maybe take in more free foods?

Best of luck for a good week and hope the training goes well :)
hope your back is on the mend, good luck losing your 3lbs before the end of the month; i'm still trying to lose my xmas weight gain:(