Weellllll that didn't work did it.

I got to about a week and a half. I was so depressed and miserable and snappy. Is it just the deprivation/mental aspect of it, or is it also that by restricting carbs you are restricting your seratonin or whatever the happy chemical is?
I was thinking about going to my doctor to chat about surgery. But I don't think I will get it somehow.
My mum thinks I should just give up dieting totally and just try and eat healthily and exercise, with no pressure.
I have trouble with trying to eat healthily because as soon as I try to, it becomes a *diet* and the whole cycle starts again.
So I have had vague thoughts of doing something different. Habits. Week by week. Instead of trying to change everything all at once. I need to work out the changes I will make. I will make one change per week or so. I will implement one change, with no pressure on what I do for the rest of the day. I.e, the first one will be to eat branflakes with skimmed milk for breakfast daily. What I eat for the rest of the day is up to me! My eating habits are so terrible. I am huge, but what I eat is actually very limited, and I rarely eat proper meals. So to make changes like this might work. I will also try and up my walking. Maybe eventually all the changes will just become natural and I feel less inclined to eat until I am sick
So whaddya think? Has anyone done this before?I think I just need to stop dieting. But I can't put any pressure on myself by even saying healthy eating.
So, some changes that I have thought about making so far:
eating breakfast. cutting out crisps. chocolate. normal coke. only having coke in the evening. having wholemeal bread. eating a piece of fruit for a snack. cooking and eating an evening meal from a lowfat cook book.
Now, I know these are straight forward healthy eating ideas. But if I tried to do them all at once, it would be a *diet* and I couldn't do it. I am hoping that by doing one at a time, and allowing myself to have whatever I want the rest of the time.....I might be able to trick myself into developing some better habits. That coupled with dog walking...maybe?:sigh: