Smurfette, your comment is so what I need just now! thanks so much. I had a lipotrim meltdown over the weekend. We had guests and I saw the fact that I could'nt be bothered with the comments and questions as an excuse to 'go easy' for a day. |The intention was to do 1 shake in the morning and have 1 non carb meal for dinner. It didnt work though. I fell off big time. I did keep tabs but was really not strict enough. Bottom line, since Saturday i've gained nearly half a kg.
Anyway, last night i took myself for a long walk and a heart 2 heart with myself. I'll spare you the details, suffice to say that I NEED, MUST, HAVE TO lose weight to stay healthy. That is the beginning and end of it. I know so many people of my age with type 2 diabetes tat could have been avoided. And i just have to get a grip of myself. So I'm on 100% TFR, and on a 100% no car regimen and 100% no entry to the kitchen. This car and kitchen fast has to stay in place for the next 12 days, so that's my next mini goal. It's tough and I get little encouragement outside this lovely virtual world, so all support is really valued.
I'm travelling abroad on business Sunday to Thursday next week, so that's going to be an extra test. I really want to prove that I can stick to it, and it's a MUST.
Been to Lidl today to stock up on 48 x 500ml waters, I make sure to get through 5 in work and at least another 2 in the evening. Plus the water in the shakes and I'm running all day!
Be good Be well.