Silver Member
I am only too aware of the 'other' me that comes out when I drink too much - I can be very self destructive hence one of the reasons I don't drink much anymore. I'm not a Jekyll and Hyde character I'm not violent or challenging I just get sad and upset and its a very quick spiral of getting silly ideas etc...I'm sure you know what I mean xxx
This week is going to be brilliant! I'm aiming for a respectable 2lbs that will give me my first half stone award and I'll be chuffed to buttons with that.
You should get at least 2 this week chuckxxx
Lets hope so! I'm so laid back after a few glasses of vino but the next day feel soooo guilty. If I drink rarely I feel less guilty when I do let my hair down. Oh it's all so complicated!
WI tomorrow & I'm nervous. I have been 1 lb off all week but not the 1.5 I need and typically feel like a beach ball today. Tonight I'm doing...nada, nothing, niente! I'm having a rest exercise day. I'm already home from work (had to meet tree surgeon) and have my snuggly gear mmmmm nice.
No idea on tea - air probably!