I agree whole-heartedly with both of you
I'm not really into smoothies or fruit juices but I understand the concept of synning them because I couldn't physically consume a bowl full of fruit/veg in one sitting so agree that smoothies should be synned...but it grates on my very last nerve that people go into blind panic over let's say eating a packet of smart price noodles at 2 syns a pack and 9p to buy when SW say you should eat only the bachelors low fat super noodles for zero syns but 70p pack.
1 syn equates to 20 calories etc, just buy the cheap and cheerful dried noodles throw the flavour packet away and crumble a veggie oxo into them instead. Ive always done this and counted them syn free. This is a bug bear of mine because a lot of people are on a tight budget (me, Im just tight!) and I feel too much emphasis is placed on certain brands (bachelors, heinz, muller, quorn) for syn value in recipes, but other alternatives are maybe a syn or 2 more and a quarter of the price. The same with the smash pizza base debate. Some bright spark decided that even though plain smash is free on green and EE if you mould it into a pizza shape and bake it in the oven you should syn it as though you're on a red day...why? because they presume nobody eats a small packet of smash to themselves and class it has 'food abuse' Again the brand Smash is quite expensive versus the value own brand. I always use the value brand.
Over the years I've been told all sorts of stuff that I'm doing wrong and it will slow down my weight loss eventually. Eating potatoes or pasta and bananas everyday on a green day seemingly is a habit I should break because I would never get to my goal weight and this little gem of ridiculousness I was told about 10 years ago by a consultant but the same consultant did not agree with the concept of a vegetarian life style and would ignorantly advise everyone to eat only from the original plan, telling them if they didn't the 'diet' wouldn't work, they didn't question it - seemingly she claimed potatoes and bread had enough sugar in them to mess up my natural insulin production and if I ate them everyday I would become diabetic

Needless to say that was another class I never went back to. I've lost count the amount of consultants I've heard blatantly contradicting the information on free food and seriously influencing and misinforming members. I've also met a SW consultant who was openly following the WW plan but promoting the SW class lol!
I think being old hands at this SW lark us lot can quite safely kick a few SW tales and myths to the kerb without so much of a second thought.
But we've all been there, I know I have....new diet plan, following it to the letter and that familiar letting go of common sense and a few brain cells and normal perspective and then the dread of gaining half a stone in an hour because you've used a supermarket own brand instead of the brand featured in your book....give it a month and were like ..'yeh! Whatever!'
Ok I digress - but put simply, if to me it still seems acceptable to do it when put into perspective then I use common sense and adapt it to the plan, if my weight loss staggers even when I'm being 100% then I'll just adapt a little less and get back to being a diet neurotic again!
Sorry for waffling <kicks soap box back under bed and lays back down>...