Hi girls,
Sorry for deserting ye over the weekend, had to top up my mobile broadband credit. Gosh I go through it pretty quickly.
Anyhow whats new with me? Well, I went and joined weight watchers on Sat morning, got a great vibe from the meeting, lots of ladies sipping skinny capachino's including leader and chatting etc. another girl joined at the same time as me so I'm hoping my competitive streak will help keep me focused to lose weight.
Of course the chicken in me told the lady at the desk not to tell me my starting weight so i'm still fat but don't know the numbers lol!
I'm hoping for a big weight loss on sat all going well as I ate way too much the day before weigh in thinking this will be my last Friday so why not!! Safe to say on Sat I used all my weeklies but I did track so that was good.
Did shred and kettlebells last night and today i'll do cycle to work and do kettlebells. I'm a sport teacher for next two days this week so that will be a huge calorie burner as usually I do an interval training fitness class for first 30mins of each lesson so that will be 2.5hours of intense exercise. I love it though as do the kids.
Today will be 26points but I am reducing my carbs/grains for couple of days. I had "carb face" all yesterday it was a wake up call.
So today shall be
skimmed milk 2
omelette 3pp
tuna salad 2pp
home-made quiche without base (Thanks Serena) 5pp for full quiche
Salmon and salad 6
low fat yog 2
not sure what else