Slimming World Veteran, Discovering a New Way of Life with 5:2 ♥

Morning diary, happy hump day! Half way through the week now and en-route to the weekend - that's what I like!!

Have to report that yesterday's Fast was an epic...WIN! Yippeee. My first Fast of the year done and dusted! It went really well and I'm pleased it's over and done with as the first one is always the hardest, I find. I made a new Fast day discovery last night too, in Asda. A gorgeous chicken & roasted vegetable sizzler from their "Good & Balanced" healthy range. It was like guilt free fajitas - no wraps or sauces or anything, but lovely chunks of chicken and strips of peppers and onions. It was really tasty and actually quite filling, and only 250cals for the serving! I will definitely pick up another one of those next time I am in Asda.

I also picked up some yummy salads whilst I was in Asda, they were on 2 for £3. I've noticed I've not eaten as much SuperFree (I'll always call my fruit and veg SuperFree after SW) since I moved to 5:2, so I've decided to make a concious effort to eat more. And I thought salads for lunch would be a good way of doing so! I've got a lovely ham and egg one for lunch today and then a spiced chicken and mango one at home in the fridge to bring in for lunch tomorrow. Can't wait to try them!

Yesterday I got a real craving for either some muesli or granola, so I also picked up some of the Special K Granola which was on offer. I was on a mini shopping spree as you can probably tell!! Having that for breakfast today and I'm really looking forward to it!

This is how my food is looking today...

Feast Day


- Can of Monster Zero
- Strawberries and Blueberries topped with a Passionfruit Danio and Special K Cranberries, Pumpkin Seeds and Almonds Granola

Mid-Morning Snack:
- Go Ahead Chocolate & Red Cherry Thins

- Asda Good & Balanced Ham & Free Range Egg Salad with Salad Cream
- Special K Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar Cracker Crisps
- Malteaser "Teasers" bar
- Bottle of Coke Zero

Afternoon Snack:
- Coffee made up with Almond Breeze Unsweetened Milk
- Banana Bread Soreen Lunchbox Loaf

- Ham, Cheese and Caramelised Red Onion Chutney Toastie in Wholemeal Bread
- Aldi Cheese Curls
- Mango Danio

- Graze After Dinner Mint Punnet
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Nice to see you're back on it lovely lady xxxx
I love the chicken and mango salads from Asda!!! FAVE!

So good to see you back and smashing it. Can't wait to see the loss next week
I love the chicken and mango salads from Asda!!! FAVE!

So good to see you back and smashing it. Can't wait to see the loss next week

Thanks honey, hoping to see a nice loss on Monday to motivate me even more!

Really looking forward to the salad. Yum!! x
Oh a friend of mine at work was telling me she had been to Corralejo when she was a bit younger and said it was lovely and gorgeous weather too. I love hearing from other people who have been to places we're going as it makes me even more excited! Wow, how exciting for your mum! How is she feeling about flying - is she nervous / excited / both? And how has Bob wangled two weeks when you are only there a few days!! Lucky Bob x

Mum is sort of excited about flying, I'm not too sure it will go either way, she will either be fine or nervous as hell & we'll struggle to get her back, she is generally a nervous person, but I'm hoping she'll take some confidence from me & be ok. Bob has just returned to work today after 2mths off sick so he has his leave from there to use up before end March, hence him being off all of March, then he has his Summer hols (Sept) and a weeks winter leave, he has 30 days hols & long weekends, but I get 25 days hols so we'll be away for a long weekend in June & our Winter hols will be November time. He seems like he is off a lot due to working his time off around his long weekends!!! He does get his holidays booked for him and he will usually, and easliy, swap for when the schools are not off x
Morning diary, happy hump day! Half way through the week now and en-route to the weekend - that's what I like!! Have to report that yesterday's Fast was an epic...WIN! Yippeee. My first Fast of the year done and dusted! It went really well and I'm pleased it's over and done with as the first one is always the hardest, I find. I made a new Fast day discovery last night too, in Asda. A gorgeous chicken & roasted vegetable sizzler from their "Good & Balanced" healthy range. It was like guilt free fajitas - no wraps or sauces or anything, but lovely chunks of chicken and strips of peppers and onions. It was really tasty and actually quite filling, and only 250cals for the serving! I will definitely pick up another one of those next time I am in Asda. I also picked up some yummy salads whilst I was in Asda, they were on 2 for £3. I've noticed I've not eaten as much SuperFree (I'll always call my fruit and veg SuperFree after SW) since I moved to 5:2, so I've decided to make a concious effort to eat more. And I thought salads for lunch would be a good way of doing so! I've got a lovely ham and egg one for lunch today and then a spiced chicken and mango one at home in the fridge to bring in for lunch tomorrow. Can't wait to try them! Yesterday I got a real craving for either some muesli or granola, so I also picked up some of the Special K Granola which was on offer. I was on a mini shopping spree as you can probably tell!! Having that for breakfast today and I'm really looking forward to it! This is how my food is looking today... Feast Day Breakfast: - Can of Monster Zero - Strawberries and Blueberries topped with a Passionfruit Danio and Special K Cranberries, Pumpkin Seeds and Almonds Granola Mid-Morning Snack: - Go Ahead Chocolate & Red Cherry Thins Lunch: - Asda Good & Balanced Ham & Free Range Egg Salad with Salad Cream - Special K Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar Cracker Crisps - Malteaser "Teasers" bar - Bottle of Coke Zero Dinner: - Quorn Pizza "Chicken" served with Spicy SW Wedges and Steam Vegetables (Carrots, Sweetcorn and Peas) Other: -

Well done on getting ya first fast under your belt.. The next one will be a breeze now, I think I might have to check out and that chicken meal sounds scrummy :)
Thanks lovely ladies :) xx
Slimming World Veteran, Discovering a New Way of Life with 5:2 ♥

Morning gang, happy Thursday. Getting closer to the weekend!

Got another yummy Feast day today...

Feast Day


- Can of Monster Zero
- Chia Pudding topped with Strawberries and Blueberries

Mid-Morning Snack:
- Special K Chocolate Biscuit Moments

- Asda Good & Balanced Spiced Chicken and Mango Salad
- Special K Sweet Chilli Cracker Crisps
- Soreen Snack Pack
- Bottle of Dr Pepper Zero

Afternoon Snack:
- Special K Red Berry Cereal Bar

- Pasta Bake with Quorn Meatballs and Vegetables (Peppers, Mushrooms and Red Onions) in a Spicy Tomato Sauce (Chopped Tomatoes and Crushed Chillies). Topped with Cheese and served with a Garlic Bread Slice
- YooMoo Strawberry Swirl Frozen Yogurt

- 2 x Creme Egg Biscuit
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I'm so glad it's almost the weekend, tomorrow afternoon can't come quickly enough! How was the Chia pudding? I'm realy intrigued by Chia seeds every time I'm in H&B.
I'm so glad it's almost the weekend, tomorrow afternoon can't come quickly enough! How was the Chia pudding? I'm realy intrigued by Chia seeds every time I'm in H&B.

So am I, it's been a long week!! And I am missing Warren and can't wait to see him tomorrow night. He's been working 12-8.30pm this week so I've not seen him at all. We usually see each other at least twice a week, and then weekends, so it's been a bit strange.

The chia pudding was good! Mine was literally 30g chia seeds and 250ml almond breeze unsweetened milk, which made enough for two portions. The recipe called for sweetener and vanilla essence too but we had none in, but it was fine without it by the time I'd added my berries. The texture is a bit strange at first, but it's not bad. It reminds me of passionfruit, it's a similar texture to that. I'm looking forward to experimenting with new recipes and flavours now :)
Morning gang, happy Thursday. Getting closer to the weekend!

Got another yummy Feast day today...

Feast Day


- Can of Monster Zero
- Chia Pudding topped with Strawberries and Blueberries

Mid-Morning Snack:
- Special K Chocolate Biscuit Moments

- Asda Good & Balanced Spiced Chicken and Mango Salad
- Special K Sweet Chilli Cracker Crisps
- Soreen Snack Pack
- Bottle of Dr Pepper Zero

- Pasta with Quorn Meatballs and Vegetables (Peppers, Mushrooms and Red Onions) in a Spicy Tomato Sauce (Chopped Tomatoes and Crushed Chillies). Topped with Cheese and served with a Garlic Bread Slice


I'm having quorn meatballs tomorrow, was planning on having a slice of garlic bread (of sorts) using a weight watchers pitta bread. Can I ask how you make yours please?

Menu looks great. :)
Think I'll give Chia seeds a whirl, thanks x

Hey, no problem Michelle! I have been doing some research and you can use them for all sorts! I'm going to do lots of experimenting with them :) x

I'm having quorn meatballs tomorrow, was planning on having a slice of garlic bread (of sorts) using a weight watchers pitta bread. Can I ask how you make yours please?

Menu looks great. :)

I love Quorn meatballs - can't wait for tea tonight!

As I'm not following SW any longer (I follow 5:2 now), I'm using a slice of Tesco's frozen garlic bread. They fit easily within my calories as they're only 92cals per slice - however, that would equate to about 5 Syns on SW.

When I was a SW member I made garlic bread using a WW petit pain, which classes (or did when I was a member) as a HExB. I would slice it in half and bake in the oven (as per instructions on packet) and then rub a garlic clove over each "slice" to give it the garlic flavour. You could also add a little butter / spread using your Syns if you wanted x
Hey, no problem Michelle! I have been doing some research and you can use them for all sorts! I'm going to do lots of experimenting with them :) x

I love Quorn meatballs - can't wait for tea tonight!

As I'm not following SW any longer (I follow 5:2 now), I'm using a slice of Tesco's frozen garlic bread. They fit easily within my calories as they're only 92cals per slice - however, that would equate to about 5 Syns on SW.

When I was a SW member I made garlic bread using a WW petit pain, which classes (or did when I was a member) as a HExB. I would slice it in half and bake in the oven (as per instructions on packet) and then rub a garlic clove over each "slice" to give it the garlic flavour. You could also add a little butter / spread using your Syns if you wanted x

Thats sounds good, will have to try the WW petit pain. That is also lower calores than I thought for a slice of garlic bread so not too bad on syns.

Thanks for the reply.
I love a can of Monster Zero!!! What is Chia pudding? x

Me too - I have one every day when I'm at work. It sets me up for the day ahead!

Chia is a superfood seed which is a fantastic source of healthy omega-3 fats and fibre. There seem to be many healthy benefits of adding chia to your diet including: helping to combat diabetes, getting more fibre into your diet, contains 18% rda for calcium which helps build stronger teeth and bones, it can help fight belly fat, helps to fill you up faster, improve heart health, etc, etc, etc.

Anyway, it can be added to and used for lots of recipes, and the one I've tried first is chia pudding. You just mix the seeds with almond milk (some also add vanilla essence, sweetener and honey) to make a pudding - kind of like a rice pudding I guess. It's made like overnight oats too which means it's really easy to make - you just leave it to soak in the fridge overnight. It does have a bit of a strange texture at first, but I enjoyed it. And there are loads of different versions of the recipe to create yummy flavours. I think I'm going to blitz some berries into my next one (rather than just using them as a topping), or even add some cocoa powder to make a chocolatey version. Very versatile! x
Just here to subscribe for some fast day inspiration, yours always sounds good!

Aww thank you!! I feel like I eat the same thing most fast days lol, usually a ready meal for convenience x