Full Member
Hi everyone. I had originally started a diary on Exante as thats what I had planned on doing but I cant stick to it as its sooooo boring! I only like the shakes and after only a few days start feeling sick just having shakes. So imagine my delight when I found S&S and realised it had meal packs!!! I am on day 4 as I ordered some samples and am putting in my order tonight for 140 packs, I am still going to have an Exante shake in the mornings and then have 2 S&S meal packs per day and my protein and veg option too. Wow that sounds like a lot...which is great as I havent been hungry once as there is so much to have and having the meal packs I dont feel like Im missing out!! Weekends will be the hardest for me, always have been as I am a very social person and my friends are out every weekend....I do not no the meaning of a sobre night out clubbing so I will not be going out for 12 weeks as I cant risk it...my willpower just isnt that good. Anyway...I have 4 stone ultimately to lose but I will be happy after 3stone 4lbs as I will be in the 'healthy' BMI range
So wish me luck!! And hopefully this will be the last ever diet I will do!!!