Day 15
Ok so last week was torture! Really not well and TOTM so bloated and sick. A lot of crying went down and a lot of self-pity but came through it with my second weigh in after 11 days and had lost another 5lbs making a very neat 1 stone loss by the beginning of Day 12!
Stupidly I had been weighing myself at home and the scales are so different from my CDC's so thought I had lost more. Was idiotically disappointed with 5lbs! Moron!!
The weekend was good - keeping busy and preparing for my engagement party this Saturday - SO EXCITING!!!
It's fancy dress and have no idea what to wear :sigh: Am hoping that somehow, magically, I will lose 4 stone by Saturday and can wear one of those sexy fancy dress costumes!
Fat chance! :8855:
So will make the best of it! Feeling quite low these past few days. Work has been so incredibly busy I haven't even had time to pop on here since last week so am missing the support from those in the know.
I'm finding it hard to get the packs down - am starving hungry then can't even finish a soup as am so full. Anyone else find this?
Also started exercise on Sunday. Am not feeling any smaller since Day 4 but can notice my tummy is wobblier so defo needs toning up big time! We have a rowing machine at home and did two 10mins during X Factor and then three 10mins during The Apprectice last night. Very proud of myself!
My arse is killing now though and couldn't walk up the escalator at the tube station this morning!!! :8855:
I hope my mood improves this week as this funk is getting me down majorly! Also a nice injection of daily energy would be much appreciated!