So this is Tuesday, WI tomorrow and I have 9 syns left if I max out my weekly syn allowance.....although I know that's not how I'm supposed to look at it!
My back is killing after my recent exertions! A combo of my job and an accident 2 years ago means my back is sore most if the time & always flares up again when I start to exercise, bad times
However, after a week or so it settles down & in the long run if I keep up the exercise it gets better, good times
So I did 40min of Davina's DVD & my usual cycle, ouchy on the leggies!! Still, I'm feeling good about it
B: apple, weetabix & milk (0.5HXB & 0.5HXA)
Sn: yoghurt, strawberries, grapes & satsumas
While prepping lunch had some pepper & chicken which had been 'floured' (1?)
L: tuna, rice & lots of salad, alpen light (0.5HXB)
Sn: superfree soup, carrot, banana & some rice & tomato soup...munchies BIG time! ALSO had 2 love heart sweets & a sugared almond (2?)
D: turkey fried with courgette, spinach & cherry tomatoes with spaghetti, quark & basil topped with a little parmesan (0.5HXA) .... new recipe nom nom nom
followed by yoghurt & some frozen raspberries
Sn: maltesers (5) LUSH!
Syns = 8
I think this is right but my estimations could be under....too late now, big day tomorrow! Not feeling optimistic though, I've eaten millions this week and feel proper tubsy