Well.... I've had a ss+ meal today instead of 4th shake after 12 days nil by mouth and I'm a happy happy hippo today!
My gut has stopped rumbling, I'm not feeling queeze and I'm actually tired!
I think I needed that little bit! I stuck to the rules aswell!
I'm going to avoid ss+ meals instead of shakes but I held off 4 days and made by self feel very porley

so when the gut rumbles for a little meal, it's gonna get one, lesson learned!
Anyone else getting problems with angry purple stretch marks appearing as they loose weigh? My belly is covered in em as of Saturday night! Oh well, when I'm thin they will just be scars from a war i won!
Day 12 today and boots scales say I've lost another 4 lbs so that's 12 in 12 days.... 2 more pls pls pls pls.... Weigh in weds!
What flavours do the bars come in? Dnt know if chewing one everyday will be good for my mindset? I just sling my shakes down like they are poo and ignore the fact I had owt. I had 2 eggs and a mushroom tonight as my meal but tried not to let myself taste it, just needed something inside to force a poo out!
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