Diary of a heffalump :)

Yeah I know, I just really wanted a big loss this week :( And I thought I'd gotten one! I was down to 16.6lbs!! But went a ruined it all :( PLEASE PLEASE LET THE WATER RETENTION FAIRY BE READING THIS AND TAKE AWAY ALL THE WATER!!! I can feel it on my legs! :( Blergh!xx
ChrissyRiley said:
Yeah I know, I just really wanted a big loss this week :( And I thought I'd gotten one! I was down to 16.6lbs!! But went a ruined it all :( PLEASE PLEASE LET THE WATER RETENTION FAIRY BE READING THIS AND TAKE AWAY ALL THE WATER!!! I can feel it on my legs! :( Blergh!xx

That'll come off by tomorrow don't stress. U back on it today then? X

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How u doin? Xx
Yeah back on it, just having my 1st shake having been up town all morning :) How you guys doing?xx
I'm struggling on the water front. It's always more difficult at work cos I'm not always near a loo. So will have to catch up with it now. Are you still swigging yours by the bucket load?
had 2 litres so far lol! and 3 coffee's at costa!xx
Feeel pooey today.oh well must soldier on lol are u gettin weighed todsy chrissy? Thought ure cdc was bak hun xx
franbella21 said:
Feeel pooey today.oh well must soldier on lol are u gettin weighed todsy chrissy? Thought ure cdc was bak hun xx

She's delayed it until tomoz so she'll be in the Tuesday gang then hehe. X

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Got to love the tuesday gang lol.xx
Yeah I'm golden, still in a huff with myself though lol!
How you been today?xx
ChrissyRiley said:
Yeah I'm golden, still in a huff with myself though lol!
How you been today?xx

Been starving really but just done ss+ as normal. At least my Keto stick is pink not dark purple now lol. U getting weighed in the morning? Xx

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Yeah 10am, Not excited in the slightest! All that hard work for nothing -.- Really pissed off with myself!!!xx
You never know it might be ok? Last time you had a blip I seem to remember you still getting a good number. I was very jel.
ChrissyRiley said:
Yeah 10am, Not excited in the slightest! All that hard work for nothing -.- Really pissed off with myself!!!xx

It will only be water whatever happens anyway do don't stress. Best to get it over and done with and start a fresh week. At least u had a good time tho xx

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Yeah I guess so, We'll see tomorrow I guess xx
Good luck. xx
Ul be ok hun u know itl soon come off.im weighing at 9 tom.god thats early.x
How'd you do Fran??xx