Silver Member
I am I am lol! I'm also on the phone to the council to get my insulation sorted! I want my house sorted before xmas!xx
ChrissyRiley said:I'm such a doofus!! Just had half a shake 2 hrs ago, started craving food so had the other half just now! Why didn't I do this sooner?!xx
ChrissyRiley said:I'm a total idiot! Think I'm gonna split all my shakes, one at 9am, one at 12, one at 2 one at 4, one at 6, one at 8 and a full one before bed so I dont go to bed hungry! Wish I'd thought of this sooner!!!xx
ChrissyRiley said:I only have cuppuccino, so i'll be fine I think Hope this works lol!xx