(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Oh really!!!!! I love that. We had tea with my boys and I got the party rings out and couldn't resist.
Sometimes if I'm not sure on the points I will over point x
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Sometimes Multiples work, other times they back fire, it's all trial and error! I've never tried Party Rings as they aren't Veggie :-( x
Tuesdays menu
I'm having one of those days I full but fancy chocolate
1/4 skimmed milk 1pp
Banana 0pp
Food doctor pitta 4pp
Tuna 1/2 can 2pp
Salad cream 1pp
Bourbon biscuit 2pp
Wrap 4 pp
Chicken 4pp
Wotsits 2pp
Fox classic 4pp
Hot choc options mint light 1 pp
25/26 pp
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We ALL get days like these! Remember you have your Weeklies if you need them. I'm having Mint Options later too