Diary of a menopausal Yorkshire lass...

Well done on leaving batter and (mostly!) ignoring the chips, particularly as you were stressed.

It is quiet on here which makes me wonder if people are already beginning to struggle with Christmas events. I've got a whole load of things between tomorrow night and Wednesday and finding it very difficult not to adopt an 'Oh well, might as well not bother' attitude even though I know it doesn't make sense.

Really need to convince myself that I can and should practice damage limitation when I can.
Try to stick to the 5:2 plan, make sure you're good for the five, then the buffet's your oyster on the other two :)
You might as well enjoy yourself at this time of year when you have the chance, we can be super good in January.
Friday 5th December

Thank goodness it's Friday :) I'm only in work until 12:30 and better yet I don't have a pile of jobs waiting for me at home yaay!

Breakfast - Bran flakes, milk and orange juice

Lunch - Bean toastie

Dinner - maggi Mexican chicken with rice

I dare say I'll be having a glass of wine or two ;)
Enjpy your half day and your wine xx
Hi Sharon, I can't believe it's so close to Christmas, it seems to have snuck up on me this year. I got organised ages ago so now I should check that I really AM organised lol.
Do's are next weekend and then my works do the weekend after. There's not a hope of getting into my planned outfit for next weekend unless I book myself in for a bit of lipo!!
Saturday 7th December

Still trying to be good...

Breakfast - Egg on toast

Lunch - I'm pondering at the mo, maybe beans on toast (I'm having a toast sort of day)

Dinner - Chicken biryani

Snacks - yogurt and a glass of wine
Hi Sharon, I can't believe it's so close to Christmas, it seems to have snuck up on me this year. I got organised ages ago so now I should check that I really AM organised lol.
Do's are next weekend and then my works do the weekend after. There's not a hope of getting into my planned outfit for next weekend unless I book myself in for a bit of lipo!!

I know I thought I had one more week pre Xmas than we actually do have, Our Xmas things are coming together nicely so feel quite chilled about it. Its nice to have some Xmas social things. You can only do your best Mandy, I'd hoped to get my 3 stone award pre Xmas but am resigned to that not happening, but it will in 2014 :) Least we are all still trying our best hey xx
Dunno about trying my best, I have totally, absolutely blown it today and I can't even blame wine! It been one of those horribly gluttonous days when I've been unable to stop myself. I feel sick and bloated :-(
Sunday 8th December

Another new day, another new start. I should read back through this diary and see how many times I've written that :mad:
13 days to my works do and I MUST get into my top without looking like a sausage about to burst its skin!
Sunday 8th December

Another new day, another new start. I should read back through this diary and see how many times I've written that :mad:
13 days to my works do and I MUST get into my top without looking like a sausage about to burst its skin!

Don't beat yourself up over it Mandy, new day, fresh start xxx day at a time.


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Sunday 8th December Another new day, another new start. I should read back through this diary and see how many times I've written that :mad: 13 days to my works do and I MUST get into my top without looking like a sausage about to burst its skin!

We've all been there etc. The important thing is that you are still trying and you can do a lot in 13 days.

(I'm sure you are being hyper-self critical of yourself in the top you plan to wear)
Thanks girls, it is lovely to get support, and know I'm not alone x
I'm afraid to say I blew it again yesterday, but not as badly as Saturday...
On a happier note, I dragged Rob shopping yesterday because he needed (well I thought so :)) a couple of new shirts, and found a lovely jacket to go over my Christmas do outfit YAY! It hides all my lumps and bumps, and is something that should still be ok if I ever manage to shift a bit of weight.
I really, really need to stop messing about now, I feel like I've spent yet another year wasting my time trying to diet. At the moment I'm about 10 pounds down from January, but if I'm not careful that will go back on this month.
Fed up! :cry:
Monday 9th December

I'm very tired today which usually means I head for the biscuit tin, but I really am going to try my best.

Breakfast - Bran flakes, milk and apple juice

Lunch - Warburtons thins with shredded salt beef

Dinner - Caramelised red onion sausages, chips and carrots
Monday 9th December

I'm very tired today which usually means I head for the biscuit tin, but I really am going to try my best.

Breakfast - Bran flakes, milk and apple juice

Lunch - Warburtons thins with shredded salt beef

Dinner - Caramelised red onion sausages, chips and carrots

You can do it honey .... bad bad biccies
Mandy I get to feel the same as you life always gets in the way. Years ago I lost a lot of weight very fast although I looked good I killed myself doing it and became total obsessed with everything I put in my mouth! My mum now moans at me not to get boring about it and still live life I do think it's important to keep trying but not to be too hard on yourself must admit I fight with the battle always so very hard just keep going and look at it on a long term I mean years even at 10lb a year it's all good xx
I was the same, I'd decide I needed to lose weight and get stuck in and it would drop off, not anymore though. I sometimes wish I could call it a day and like myself the way I am, but I know if I gave up I'd be huge in no time.
We just have to keep plodding on...
It's so hard isn't it, this dieting stuff :( I often wish that I didn't have to worry about what I eat, or were one of those people that can eat what ever they want and not gain weight. But like you say, I don't want to be fat either so we've gotta do what we've gotta do.

All we can do is try our best, and keep plodding on. Like aqua said, you're 10lbs lighter than what you were and that in itself is brilliant and a huge achievement :) x
Wednesday 11th December

Well it's been a horrible day or so. I went to bed perfectly ok on Monday, 15 minutes later I started with stomach pains and was constantly sick until yesterday afternoon. I've not been so poorly for years! I feel wiped out and ache from head to foot now, but 10 times better than I did. On a brighter note, it's made me want to treat my stomach with a bit more respect so it might help me get back on the wagon!!
I've lost half a pound this week which is a bit pathetic as I've not eaten for 36 hours.