Hi Laura - I'm going next Thursday, the day after my Birthday. In a way it's a bit of bad timing (not that I'm complaining) as I wanted to start my 'new year' being as good as I can - but if I'm going to Italy I don't want to miss out on all the lovely food! So I've just said to myself that I will eat like a 'normal' person (whatever that is) and then start being extra good when I come back.
I can't even begin to think about maintaining yet. Even though I've only got a little left to lose, I can't actually see me getting there yet - I'm worried that my body just won't let it happen! So I'll tackle that when I get there! Lol!
Thanks Jade! Ooh I must stay away from Jammy dodgers then! I love how jaffa cakes are being marketed as 'only' being 1g of fat per cake - but let's be honest - who actually ever only has one?!?!?!
Anyways - back to the food diary.
Everything went well yesterday untill about 3.30pm where I am declaring temporary amnesia and cannot remember a thing that entered my mouth!! Although I am led to believe it included about 4 million calories worth of haribo, takeaway pizza and cookies. Whoops!!
I still went kickboxing, which I'm glad I did, because I'm really getting better at it, but I feel quite bad about the over eating. I'd like to blame it on mental sabotage or something, but really it was just me lacking will power and being greedy!
But I promise myself (and everyone reading) that I will be good today - even if it only lasts just for today!!
Anyway, I'm off to work, and I will resist all temptations of office snacky goodness!! Have a good day everyone!