Sweet as pie
Silver Member
Sounds yum must give those a try myself. Well done on only going over by 8pp
Sounds yum must give those a try myself. Well done on only going over by 8pp
Here I am on day 13 of my WW road trip and I have to say I really haven't struggled at all this time round, despite losing 3 pp a day from when they changed the minimum. I am sure I must have been eating too much crappy "diet" foods last time. I am now managing to avoid all the diet crips, biscuits etc and so far I haven't craved any of them.
Tonight I have 4 pp burning a hole in my pocket!!
Had a great feed today and there are a number of meals that are fast becoming my staple: Sweet Cinnamon porridge (sachet) plus a sliced banana for breakfast, WW Ocean Pie with pack of micro veg and a yoghurt for lunch and for tea it was chicken chasseur, Mr Mash (with a qtr teaspoon of butter in), carrots, onions, mushrooms and peas. Scrumptious. And I still have 4 pp.
I can definitely live with this regime.
It is WI tomorrow - first official one at WW, second one at home and I am a tad apprehensive. It looks like I have lost a pound but that can disappear overnight, depending on what mood the body is in!
I have just run Run 1 of Week 4 of Couch to 5k and I can definitely see an improvement and it is all very motivating. Problem is, I usually gain a pound after a C25k session....
I know I have been well under my overall allowance this week and I am determined not to be too bothered by what the scales say because I'm sure my body shape has improved over the last fortnight. I say that now but I know I will be secretly gutted if I STS....
Achy breaky legs!
Keeping the momentum of this week's 2lb loss going with Day2/Wk4 of Couch to 5k, despite the fact it was chucking it down. It was sooo painful today though. I think I will need two days off for my calves and achilles to stop aching.
Had a lovely tea tonight cooked by healthy husband: chicken, mushrooms, pak choi in oyster sauce with brown rice. Very tasty although a bit on the sweet side. I didn't eat all of my dailies last night (2 short) and I paid for it today so I am now off to finish off the day with a low point Eton Mess (meringue nest, strawbs, blueberries and vanilla yogurt). Gorge.
Still feeling very positive about this regime and haven't craved anything which is great news seeing as it was only a couple of months ago that I developed a fetish for M&S soft choc chip cookies. Perfectly happy with the Meringue Mess these days. Might even stretch to a WW hot choc to go with it. x
I'm jealous of the Eton Mess ;-) u know how much I love meringues ;-) Do u ever make it with Squirty Cream? Ive not tried the WW Hot Choc, is it nice??? X
I love them as well although I often have just a half of one in a much smaller bowl. I used to use a squirt of cream but I try not to now because it is nicer than the flavour of the yogurt, which tastes perfectly fine on its own. I do use squirty cream on my homemade trifles though: sugar free jelly, topped with half a ww yogurt with a squirt of cream on top.
As for the hot choc, Highlights is my personal fave because it seems frothier than the other brands. The WW one has a good flavour though - seem slightly less sweet and a bit more like cocoa (so tastes more chocolatey). It is good for keeping choc cravings at bay. It was also cheaper than the others in Tesco and is a point less too. I will deffo buy it again.
Whilst your here Serena, I just want to say thanks for the continual support. I can see that you and a few others are regular posters on a lot of threads and it really does keep us new dieters going. Xx
I love them as well although I often have just a half of one in a much smaller bowl. I used to use a squirt of cream but I try not to now because it is nicer than the flavour of the yogurt, which tastes perfectly fine on its own. I do use squirty cream on my homemade trifles though: sugar free jelly, topped with half a ww yogurt with a squirt of cream on top.
As for the hot choc, Highlights is my personal fave because it seems frothier than the other brands. The WW one has a good flavour though - seem slightly less sweet and a bit more like cocoa (so tastes more chocolatey). It is good for keeping choc cravings at bay. It was also cheaper than the others in Tesco and is a point less too. I will deffo buy it again.
Whilst your here Serena, I just want to say thanks for the continual support. I can see that you and a few others are regular posters on a lot of threads and it really does keep us new dieters going. Xx
Here to subscribe, I'm such s choholic so will be but I buying the weight watchers hot chocolate todayx
Hi Slinkyson!
Let me know if you like (or hate!) the WW hot choc. I try not to make a habit of drinking it too regularly because I'm worried I might start fancying the real thing but the odd one now and again seems to do the trick for me.
Years ago, one of my old class members said she used to make the hot choc stronger than usual and then freeze it in ice cube trays for a "quick choc fix". I'm not sure if I fancy the idea myself but it could be another way to keep cravings at bay.
The ww hot choc is gorgeous!!!! Really really chocolatey yum! I've bought some quark soft cheese and mixed a potion of the hot choc into that had it with some fruit it was it was like a lovely choc cheese cake toppingI don't fancy that idea either but I was contemplating freezing it with yoghurt to make Ice cream but like you I don't want it to lead me down the road to self destruction!! So will just have it now and again as abit of a treat x
How are u getting on Maria? X
Not bad at all today thanks Serena. After last night's mammoth tea of stuffed peppers etc, I couldn't eat a thing afterwards and ended up being under my points by about 7. I know this is too low so I had a hearty breakfast this morning and just finished off the other half of the peppers/aubergine bake. I am stuffed again (nice feeling!) but it's nice to know I still have about 7 points for a snack later on tonight.
It's been chucking it down all day so I've had a lazy day on the sofa with the husband watching some box sets. It's been great. I am trying to build up to getting off my lazy backside to get some housework done. Tomorrow sounds good!
How have you been today?
What yummy treat do u have planned for your remaining 7pp? I have just finished my dinner which was very tasty, looking forward to a snack later once my daughter goes to bed, I don't have to share that way! I'm also looking forward to sitting down but have a very large pile of ironing staring at me! X
I've had a shape strawberry yoghurt and am just sitting down to a nice WW hot choc. I'm just starting to get a bit peckish now so will probably take a portion of butternut & red pepper soup out of the freezer. That, with a slice of brown bread, will use up my allowance for today.
I hate housework (incl. ironing and cooking) but I don't have any kids (thankfully!) that rely on me to do it.