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cat-bee said:Just here to subscribexx
Thanks hun x
cat-bee said:Just here to subscribexx
mrsgosling3 said:Popping by to say hello xxx
ruby555love said:Morning all. I feel like I talk to myself sometimes, although ive got Kelly & Donna and now you guys! I need the support! Still in bed... I'm starving & need to get up! My baby boy is next to me asleep. He's 7 months today bless him! X
mrsgosling3 said:I feel the same - talk to myself and Daisy![]()
ruby555love said:Sleep wasnt too bad! 1 1/2 off for 4 days on the Wendie Plan isnt bad going, especially as totm. Will weigh Monday too after 7 days & see if ive lost any more. Thinking of starting the shred as the dvd came yesterday. Still in bed with my baby boy.. I dont feel like getting up anytime soon! Hope you are all ok? Xx
ruby555love said:Im seriously lacking in motivation today! Im very tired as I spend my nights up with my boy... Ive got a headache, its totm & I feel like poo!! I want to eat biscuits & white bread toast with clover on all day long!! I wont!!! Im having a chinese for tea & need to be fairly good : (
bulldogdaisy said:Enjoy the Chinese,maybe wait till you feel better before doing the shred :0)
Fatty_no_more said:Subscribing
I have had two c sections so feel ur pain. Had one 8 weeks ago. X
ruby555love said:Going to start the shred tomorrow as I will have a night of sleep tonight as my mum is having Jude!! Great. Just about to have a bacon & egg wrap. Have some melon for this afternoon & will drink tea & try to sleep!! X
ruby555love said:Poor you... I have a serious kangaroo pouch. How was your second c section? Were they both planned? Mine was an emergency after 23hrs in labour.. My boys head was stuck as he was so big & it was all a bit messy! X
Fatty_no_more said:Hi hun.
Both were emergency but second I had time to have it planned if that makes sense I'll explain.
My son, I had pre eclamsia and was induced and they monitor u for an hour after, well his heart rate dropped within that hour so they broke my waters to see if they could feel the cord wrapped round his neck which it wasn't so they stuck a wire thing on his Head to monitor his heart rate and it was sometimes stopping so within 2 hours of starting the induction I was whisked away for a crash c sec. I remember nothing apart from him crying and then my husband and him being ushered out of the room. I was in shock quite bad and didn't see him till he was 3 hours old and family members had had a cuddle etc it kills me as I wanted skin to skin and immediately breast feed.
With my daughter I went into Hosp on the Monday with no movement, was on a trace for 2 hour and no movement so they kept me in and kept monitoring me. Basically the placenta stoppe working and I was desperate for a vbirth but I wasn't favourable and there's more risk of scar rupture with induction after c sec. So they said they needed her out within 24 hours so it was emergency but planed.
I soooooo understand the lack of sleep. Erin is up every hour.
My son slept through the night the min he was in his own room. Xxxx
ruby555love said:God hun you had a rough time. I had a bad haemmorage on the op table & as a result became anaemic, I also contracted an infection so I was strung up to an anti bioticdrip all week... Coupled with BF issues it was an absolute nightmare. My scar got infected then. I still suffer with low iron & have to take liquid iron... Plus lack of sleep,I get exhausted!! I feel your pain. My boy is 7 months & has not slept through the night yet!! He wakes at least 5 times a night x
Lushlash said:well done on your loss Beth (i kept going to call you ruby, but now I know your real name lol) x
ruby555love said:Ive been naughty, ive had a full blown chinese, well chow mein, curry sauce, a few chips & some rice & now I'm going to have some dunky biscuits with my tea. I will draw a line under it & start fresh tomorrow. Shred starting tomorrow too!! Oh I have rubbish willpower on days like this when i'm cold, tired & feeling like poo!!